4 Tips for Making the Most of Your Mobile App

By now, most publishers have an app they use to interact with their customer base and drive mobile advertising revenue. But are you getting the most interaction you can with your app? There are a few ways you can not only get your app loaded onto more smartphones and tablets, but also increase interaction with your customer base and drive more revenue.

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1. Push Notifications

Some apps have a prompt screen that pops up after the app has loaded asking if you want to receive ongoing notifications from the app. This is called a push notification because you are asking permission to push information onto the user’s mobile device. Some publishers avoid push notifications because they can seem intrusive, but getting users to opt-in on push notifications is a big part of how other company’s make money with their apps.

You can send regular updates to your users and become their primary source for news and information. If you are not offering push notifications, then you will want to update your app to give your audience the option of receiving your regular updates.

2. Make Your App Easy

According to SmashingMagazine.com, people do not want to read pages of instructions just to be able to use your app. Your app needs to be easy to use from the very beginning and each function should be self-explanatory. If there is reading required to be able to use your app, keep the instructions to a minimum.

3. Consider Premium Features

Entrepreneur Magazine points out that offering app with free and premium features is a very popular way to increase interaction and revenue. You can offer your basic news stories for free, but then you can offer premium coverage at a price. As long as the people getting your free content feel like they are getting what they need, then you can offer the premium option with a high level of success.

4. Social Media

According to Forbes Magazine, you can significantly increase the engagement with your app if you make it interactive with social media. You need to find ways that people can share pictures through your app or utilize their social media pages to share your content if you want to increase engagement. When people start to see your online content getting shared on social media, it will definitely increase your overall interaction.

Your mobile app is rapidly becoming the way you interact with a growing part of your audience. With mobile computing devices outselling computers at a pace of nearly three to one, it is extremely important that you get the most from your mobile app. With some additional features and a focus on making your app interactive, you will be able to increase revenue and inspire your audience to share your content with your friends and benefit from the exposure you get when you go viral.

Do you like getting push notifications? Are they helpful or annoying? What mobile app has impressed you the most?

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