7 Ways to Make the Full Employment Economy Work for You

Nobody has to tell you that sourcing is hard work. Since the economy started to rebound just a few years ago, top candidates have become scarcer and active job seekers have become rarer still. Knowing that, it might surprise you to learn that the full-employment economy can work for you. Why? Because it encourages you […]
Is Simple Texting the Next Big Thing in Recruiting Technology?

You probably text every day, but have you ever sent text messages to a job candidate? Get ready, because you will. RELATED: What it Means to be a Recruiting Leader in 2018 Texting isn’t new, but it is new for recruiting technology. It’s how the up-and-coming generations prefer to communicate, especially with unsolicited messages or […]
3 Ways Big Data Can Improve Critical Hiring KPIs

Technology lets you look out from today into a more productive tomorrow. It makes the work of HR professionals simpler and more effective, but that’s just the beginning. Using predictive analytics, information from decisions and actions in the past helps create a better result in the future. It’s all because of big data-that sometimes confusing, […]