3 New Trade Show Innovations

Trade shows are some of the best networking opportunities available for trade and professional associations, as well as vendors, and for years, the traditional model of “check-us-out-here’s-my-business-card” has worked; however, in 2015, trade show attendees are expecting more, especially when it comes to technology. If you’re still applying the traditional model of handshakes and elevator […]
How Social Media Generates Real Value for Membership Organizations

The Internet has undoubtedly revolutionized the way that everyday people organize and interact within their lives, but it has also completely changed the face of business, industry, and marketing. Today’s business owner relies more and more on the web in order to promote his or her business, and marketing professionals representing such businesses are finding […]
4 New Year’s Resolutions for Growing Your Trade Association

It’s now officially 2015 and that means it’s time to get your business strategy mapped out for the coming year. Although most people make resolutions on New Year’s Eve, it’s never too late to solidify the guidelines you’ll follow to achieve success for your organization. Below are four tips you can use during the next […]
How To Make The Most Of Your Trade Show

When your trade association decides to put on a trade show, are you doing everything you can to maximize attendance and get the most from your event? If you take a look at even the longest running trade shows, you will notice that the idea of putting the “show” back into trade show has become […]
Top Digital Trends: A Crash Course for Local Media

The Internet has not only changed itself over the last two decades, but it has also changed the way that consumers are receiving their information. In a recent webinar, sponsored by RealMatch, presenter Shannon Kiney, founder of Dream Local Digital, points out that a current, single online weekend edition of the New York Times contains […]
Boost Non-Dues Revenue with Professional Certification Offerings

Generating non-dues revenue is a hot topic among trade associations these days, and as the economy remains less than thriving, many trade associations are having a difficult time finding additional ways to make money. While some are finding success in offering additional benefits and career centers online, others have begun offering professional certification programs to […]
How to Diversify Revenue Streams for Your Association

If you run a trade association, you probably receive funding from member dues, but what you may not realize is that there are other ways to generate revenue, including monetizing your online assets. By generating this extra revenue through monetization, you may even be able to lower dues and attract more members, building credibility and […]
5 Ways to Find New Advertisers for Your Trade Publication

Trade publications are facing the same stark issues with advertising that many others in the publishing industry are also dealing with, but with an added issue; their pool of clients just isn’t as big as a general interest publication. So how do you find new advertisers in a smaller pool of fish?Look for Problems to […]