Our full Jobs Report analysis comes in next week, but we looked to Twitter for help understanding what happened in June. Was it good? Bad? Better than May? As always, there were those praising government policy, seasonal growth, blaming politics, and even their own son! Humorous or not, the general takeaway is positive, which is also reflected by records in the stock market.
Here is what the Twitterverse spoke…
The Facts
Payroll employment increases by 287,000 in June; unemployment rate rises to 4.9% https://t.co/1Y9cSWJUIB #JobsReport #BLSdata
– BLS-Labor Statistics (@BLS_gov) July 8, 2016
After a dismal May, June employment surged a higher-than-expected 287K #jobs #JobsReport pic.twitter.com/eL0lzMq7Q9 – BBVA Research USA (@BBVAResearchUSA) July 8, 2016
Drop in Labor Force Participation since 07 driven by 16-19 & 25-54 groups (right axis) not baby boomers #jobsreport pic.twitter.com/qM7HYipFzz
– Adam A. Millsap, PhD (@AA_Millsap) July 8, 2016
Biggest piece of news no one is talking about: June #JobsReport = U.S. added 287,000 jobs. Best report in 8 months https://t.co/5DxrwZtGxA – Alex Morash (@AlexMorash) July 8, 2016
Tech jobs on the rise. #JobsReport https://t.co/faqHiQWykA
– John Blackwood (@jblackwooducc) July 8, 2016
The Downside
June’s #jobsreport was strong, but we still need 1.6 million jobs to return to the labor market of 2007. pic.twitter.com/c2B49ypujE – Economic Policy Inst (@EconomicPolicy) July 8, 2016
“Today’s #JobsReport shows a strong economy that continues to grow.” – Dep. Sec. @ChrisLu44 on @BloombergRadio
– US Labor Department (@USDOL) July 8, 2016
The black youth unemployment rate is the highest it’s been in a year. #JobsReport https://t.co/aJImHGMoQC – Generation Progress (@genprogress) July 8, 2016
.@luschini_janney says June #JobsReport could suggest last month’s weak # was an anomaly, or confirm a pattern. https://t.co/rFGYR7hGl0
– Jim LeBaron (@jlebaron_janney) July 8, 2016
If missing workers were counted, the unemployment rate would be 6.4%. https://t.co/RyRjgKXu4F via @EconomicPolicy #JobsReport #unemployment – Bread Institute (@breadinstitute) July 8, 2016
The Instant Analysis
June #JobsReport is a ‘Goldilocks story,’ says @econjared https://t.co/DgLw6dkHZO – Squawk Box (@SquawkCNBC) July 8, 2016
Hard to find bad news in June #Jobsreport. Wage growth might be the thing @JimPethokoukis https://t.co/nUnH0i83s8 pic.twitter.com/Ef0VBGi4fD
– AEIdeas Blog (@AEIdeas) July 8, 2016
Interesting. 90% of job gains from today’s release went to workers 55 and over. #JobsReport – Chris Barcelo (@EconomicCents) July 8, 2016
RT @IWPResearch: Where the jobs have been gained and lost for women and men since the recovery began #JobsReport pic.twitter.com/XtxlI4a1fN
– CWCS (@ctcwcs) July 8, 2016
#BreakingNews US economy adds 287k jobs in June, my lazy sons add 0 #JobsReport pic.twitter.com/eVzDXEHuIZ – Daniels at DU (@danielsatDU) July 8, 2016
On A Positive Note…
S&P 500 is nearing all-time high today after the #JobsReport! #BrexitVote also helping to push $ into the US markets pic.twitter.com/VAvmebqn5v
– Hedgeable (@Hedgeable) July 8, 2016
And Whatever This Is About
I’m wearing sweatpants and reading about the #JobsReport – Dan in Real Life (@dannyreallife) July 8, 2016