Industry Trends

Revolutionizing the Recruitment Industry In the ever-evolving landscape of the recruitment industry, Conversational AI has emerged as a game changer, transforming the way companies attract, engage, and hire talent. With its ability to simulate human-like conversations and automate various aspects of the recruitment process, Conversational AI brings efficiency, personalization, and...
Looking at this year’s trends, it’s clear that AI tools in recruiting are still on the rise. As it stands, most of the world’s economic titans use AI tools for talent acquisition. Some studies showed that 99% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS, with 55% of HR leaders in...
What is Remote Work Employment? Remote work employment is a working arrangement in which employees perform their job functions outside of a traditional office setting, often from their homes or other remote locations. This type of employment is enabled by modern technology, such as high-speed internet and communication tools, allowing...
The importance of employer branding in today’s competitive hiring landscape lies in its ability to attract top talent, enhance employee retention, and create a positive company image. A strong employer brand helps organizations stand out from their competitors, showcase company values and culture, and improve overall employee engagement. This leads...
In today’s competitive business landscape, companies face the growing challenge of finding the best-suited candidates for high-demand roles. Hiring the most qualified individuals with the right set of skills and expertise is crucial to achieving success and staying ahead of the competition. However, the persistent skills gap in the workforce...
The rise of Artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted a wide range of industries, streamlining processes and interpreting impressive amounts of data. For the medical industry, AI is revolutionizing the way medical facilities manage staffing. In fact, AI is helping industry leaders identify where there may be gaps in the workforce,...
Candidate sourcing has changed over the past few years, in large part due to the pandemic and its ripple effects on employment. This means candidate sourcing tools must evolve to keep up with the changes. We’ve done the research to give a brief breakdown of some new candidate sourcing tools...
It’s no secret that the last few years have reshaped the business landscape, but one of the industries most affected was the healthcare field. Healthcare staffing shortages were already a concern prior to the pandemic, but by the end of 2022, those shortages had reached an alarming level. If you’re...
Elite recruiters strive to thoroughly engage prospects, compelling them to learn more about the hiring business and give serious consideration to an offer of employment. However, if you are like most recruiters, hiring managers, and others in the human resources industry, you are likely wondering, “Why is candidate engagement important?”...
Recruitment marketing is the process of attracting and acquiring top talent for an organization through a variety of methods and channels. This can include online advertising, social media outreach, recruitment events, and employee referral programs. Over the past 5-10 years, recruitment marketing has evolved significantly due to changes in technology...
The art of the job listing is a delicate balance. You want to make sure a candidate has enough background information to understand what they’ll be doing, but you don’t want to ramble. A good job listing should catch the eye and create a sense of excitement. Including a salary...
Artificial intelligence is quickly improving — and AI recruiting has become a popular strategy. This has led some recruiters to wonder if AI is destined to take their jobs. But is it really?  Well, the short answer is…no! Artificial intelligence is still a long way away from actually relieving human...
Over the course of the last decade, artificial intelligence has been growing and evolving. Since the mid-2010s, corporate titans have hinted at the continual rise of AI in nearly every field of industry. The flexibility of self-learning software promised the automation of tasks normally too complicated for a machine to...
Attracting top talent takes more than just competitive pay. While salary is still important, benefits are what keep employees around long term. As we find ourselves in the midst of “The Great Resignation,” improving employee retention is as important as hiring new talent. With this in mind, providing desirable employee...
While the restrictions that the pandemic brought are slowly lifting, talent gaps are still rearing their heads. Tech skills are needed more than ever — but it’s becoming difficult to find a candidate with the necessary skill set. Attracting top talent is the goal of every recruiting team; but what...
Finding the most qualified candidate for the job can be tough — and traditional hiring methods often fall short of the mark. For positions that require extensive experience or that tend to attract a small applicant pool, incorporating a passive recruitment sourcing strategy into your hiring plan can get your...
There’s a time and place for sticking to the classics. Using old or outdated recruiting methods isn’t one of them. Keep reading to learn of five hiring trends you should keep in mind when building out your recruiting strategy. 1. Remote-Friendly Roles and Interviews This first hiring trend may come...
As an HR professional, you know the importance of connecting with people. And we don’t just mean prospective candidates, but peers and leaders in the recruitment industry, as well. That’s why it’s important to seek out and attend HR conferences. We’ve rounded up a few key HR conferences in 2021...
10 years ago, none of us could have predicted that virtual hiring would become the new norm. At least not to this degree. Whether you predicted it or not, it’s here to stay—which means you need to equip your team with the hiring tools to properly execute virtual hiring so...
In the past, HR has often been seen as a reactive department—concerned with administrative duties and a lot of checking boxes. Human capital management (HCM), both as a mindset and as a set of practices, encourages a much more proactive approach. One that engages current and prospective employees in ways...
We’re happy to announce the next step in PandoLogic’s goal of revolutionizing recruiting with artificial intelligence (AI) services: PandoLogic has officially become a part of Veritone, a leading provider of artificial intelligence technology and solutions. Keep reading to learn more about Veritone’s acquisition of PandoLogic and what it means for...
In the United States, Labor Day is seen as the unofficial end of summer. It’s often celebrated as the final hoorah before the frigid winter months creep in. But this Labor Day has a much larger significance, one that dates to its original establishing. According to the U.S. Department of...
Like many industries, HR has faced a variety of changes over the past several years (and the past year in particular!). Some shifts are more temporary than others, but one practice that seems here to stay is the usage of analytics in the HR and people field. So why are...
Not every company has the same hiring goals—and nor should they. But even when goals and challenges differ, one thing remains consistent: modern technology like AI can help. Keep reading to learn five different ways that companies use AI to reach their recruiting goals. 1. Increasing Applicant Volume For some...
2020 was an unexpected year. The biggest trend in HR, arguably, was transitioning to remote work. For many teams, that meant looking at ways to use new, modern technology—like artificial intelligence—effectively. As we’ve started to return to certain levels of normalcy, there is more for HR teams to think about...
Years ago, I wrote a post on the power of social listening and that there are essentially two ways to listen. There is listening to respond and listening to understand. When you listen to respond, you hear what you want to hear and respond in a way that will make...
Diversity and inclusivity are among the most important goals for any organization right now. Still, it’s an area where many companies need to build and improve—and where we can all strive for more and better. It can be hard to know how to step up your diverse hiring and recruiting,...
A successful and diverse workplace starts with building a strong diversity strategy. But how are some companies coping? Are they on the right track? What are they focusing on at present to evolve their diversity efforts? We set to find out. With help from our friends at, we wanted...
The return to normalcy looms large in our hopes for 2021—but it’s not here yet. Many of the new, adapted hiring trends we saw in 2020 will stretch into the new year. It’s likely the economic impact of the pandemic may have lasting effects for years to come, and the...
The crater-sized disruption in the workforce that happened in 2020 will continue to change the landscape of 2021. The movement towards automation in HR tech over the last decade has helped the HR community pivot this year to support their workforce from afar amid the new remote work reality. The...

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