Choosing A Recruitment Software Vendor That Works for You

Today’s leading-edge recruitment professionals know that their best shot at success lies in leveraging the best recruitment software to maximize results. These days, this doesn’t just mean making sure your recruitment professionals are computer literate and know how to copy and paste in MS Word or open an Excel document. Today’s recruitment software is truly next level when it comes to features that can supercharge your talent acquisition efforts.

Need convincing? Right now, software in talent acquisition is not only helpful—it’s essential, as the pandemic compels businesses to shift their locus of control to the digital cloud. This includes everything from innovative AI software technology to programmatic recruitment tools, predictive algorithms, machine learning, intelligent software, and performance analytics to achieve results and grab success from the mouth of uncertainty that pervades today’s work world.

A great approach for getting your strategy up to speed is to work with a recruitment software vendor. A seasoned vendor can help you identify, refine, and reach your goals faster and more effectively than ever before. That said, choosing the right vendor takes a little more time and effort than a quick Google search.  Consider the following to help you ask the right questions when choosing the software features and vendor to best meet your needs.

What Features Exist For Running Targeted Campaigns?

Today’s recruitment campaigns bear little to no resemblance to the blind, wide-net castings of years ago. These days, they are—or should be—laser-focused operations, with programmatic strategies and placement tailored to target key audiences with minimal human involvement, thus saving you time and effort. The good news is that today’s recruitment software allows you to do this effectively—provided you choose the right tools. When meeting with a potential vendor, make sure you have a complete understanding of the full suite of features that their software offers for campaign development and deployment, and make sure it meets your recruitment needs—both today and into the foreseeable future.

What Analytics Are Available?

An effective recruitment operation leverages tools for your team to track, measure, and analyze results on a wide range of holistic and micro levels, empowering you to continually tweak and refine your strategy as you march towards achieving optimal results. When venturing out to select a recruitment software vendor, make sure their products offer an in-depth suite of analytic tools that will allow you to make key operational assessments at all stages of your talent engagement and acquisition pipeline.

Is Ongoing Operational Support Available?

Purchasing a software package should never be a “one and done” affair. Times change, your needs will continue to evolve over time, and chances are you and your team will have requests, questions, and issues arise along the way. Ideally, you want to contract with a vendor that will continue to support your recruitment efforts moving forward, whatever arises. When vetting potential vendors, make sure they’ll be committed to supporting you over the long haul, with software and services that meet your needs both today and tomorrow.

When it comes to choosing the right recruitment software vendor, keep in mind the following maxim: If your programmatic provider can’t show you upfront what they can do for you, they’re wasting your time. When you’re on the hunt for your next vendor, make sure they can provide satisfying answers to the questions mentioned here before moving forward.

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