Interviewing candidates for a position in your company can be fun, it can be a nightmare, or it could be just plain boring. Unfortunately, when it becomes boring, it can be easy to miss some serious red flags that the candidate is displaying. When this happens, you may end up hiring someone who is not only a fit for the company but someone who can do some serious damage to your company’s bottom line. Before your next interview, consider these interviewing red flags as warnings.
SEE ALSO: 6 Great Interview Questions Employers Should Ask
1. The Candidate’s Social Media Profiles Are Unruly
Virtually everyone understands these days that employers are searching social media profiles of candidates in order to get a look at who the candidate is outside of work. This is because it can give an indication of the candidate’s attitudes and personality. So, when a candidate applies for a position and you see nothing but pictures of drinking and partying along with vulgar language on the client’s social media accounts, you need to think twice. Not because the candidate isn’t allowed to his or her life the way they see fit, but because it shows that they have not thought ahead.
2. The Candidate Speaks Poorly of a Previous Employer
When someone leaves a company, there’s a fairly good chance that they have left because they didn’t like the job or the job didn’t like them. In either case, it’s normal to feel a bit of bitterness, but allowing that to enter into the conversation is in poor taste. It also demonstrates that the candidate doesn’t understand social graces and he or she doesn’t know when to keep quiet. Furthermore, it shows that the candidate can’t be trusted to keep company information private.
3. The Candidate Asks No Questions
This one can be kind of tricky, but in most cases, it is a red flag. Candidates are encouraged and expected to do their homework before interviewing. They need to arrive at the interview knowing everything they can about the company and the position. So, why would they have questions? Well, since they are working there, the candidate can’t know everything, so at least some questions or requests for clarification should come up. But, the real reason this is a red flag is that it shows there is no passion or drive in the candidate for the position. During the interview conversation, there should be a back and forth dialogue in which the candidate asks questions and gives feedback.
4. The Candidate Asks Inappropriate Questions
Of course, asking inappropriate questions can also be an issue. Something like asking about the salary prior to the interviewer bringing it up is out of line. Yes, the candidate wants to know about the salary, but that’s a subject to be discussed further along in the hiring process. Likewise, a candidate who asks the interviewer personal questions demonstrates, once again, a lack of societal awareness, and this could be a big problem if you bring the candidate on in a team setting.
What are some of the worst questions candidates have asked you during an interview?