What if a Good Job Site Platform Isn’t Good Enough?

Everything was going along swimmingly and then the job board market started to surge. New sites enter the pond now with increasing frequency. Competition for candidate and employer business is ramping up.

Time was, a good job board that served the needs of both candidate and employer had its reputation set. Today, a good job site platform might not be good enough to compete with the growing din of an increasingly crowded market.

RELATED: Job Board Platform Content That Transforms the Candidate Experience

If you want to stand out, here’s how to do it.

Find What Makes Your Job Site Platform Special

According to TATECH, there are over 150,000 global job boards and the number grows every week. It’s difficult to find what makes you special with so many others vying for employer advertising and candidate traffic. Fortunately, it’s not impossible.

All profitable job posting sites have a value proposition. The trick is finding what makes your proposal unique and using it to its fullest. That’s not as difficult as it might seem, considering that not every competitor has the same level of drive and determination to stand out.

Maybe your pros fit into one or more of these metrics:

  • Faster time to fill
  • Intelligent job matching
  • Low turnover
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • Candidate support
  • Customer service
  • Valuable content
  • Mobile optimization

TATECH says the crowded market of job posting sites requires them to step up to a bimodal value proposition. You must offer quantifiable results with candidate/job matching in order to compete. To stand out, you need the extra gem that no one else has or can do as well as you.

Learn What Matters Most to Employers and Candidates

Once you identify your strengths, the next step is determining which of them matter to your audience. Too many companies have jumped into the water and then sunk straight to the bottom by skipping this important step.

Your idea of a remarkable value proposition and that of your candidates and employers might not mesh until you do a little research. Business Insider recommends the mantra, ”know your customer.”

If you collect data about candidates and employers, analyze it to identify what they respond to and what falls flat. If you’re not collecting data, it’s time to catch up with the best job posting sites.

When all else fails, ask. Look for company reviews online. Your reviews are a direct line to customer satisfaction, but reviews of other companies show what their audience loves (and hates) about them.

Research yourself and your toughest competition to learn where you stand. Find what makes you special in the eyes of your customers, then shine it like a beacon.

Job site platform
Without engagement, you might as well shout into the wind.

Craft the Right Message and Nail the Delivery

Is there anything more cringe-worthy and an awkward high-five? Connecting with your target takes planning and a sound strategy. Without engagement, your excellent message floats out across the water and eventually fizzles out.

Synchronicity Financial says a good value proposition needs a great send-off that starts with:

  • Customization of the message for every target and every platform (such as desktop and mobile)
  • Harmonization with how the target audience uses the job board so the message is ”seamless”
  • Commercialization through test drives to see which campaign resonates best

A bit of pre-run research and testing lets you send off your message the right way and support it without reservation. When you know it’s a hit, all that’s left is message consistency and continually honing what makes you better than every other job board on the block.

Being a competent job site isn’t enough to win friends and influence customers, not when there are so many others. Nowadays, being special isn’t enough, either, unless you illuminate your unique value proposition as a beacon for all to see.

With so many ducks in the shallow end of the pool, tread out to deeper water and offer a more meaningful experience than just an ordinary job board.

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