All job or employee candidate searches involve at least some matching. But real-time job matching involves so much more than drilling down through keywords. You can add all the right information and sort through resumes all day. But you’ll still get the same results unless you use better technology that’s designed to do exactly what you need: finding the right people, hiring them, and then keeping them.
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Here’s why matching is different. You’ll never look at recruiting the same way again.
Candidate Matching Makes Recruiting More Productive
From the recruiter’s side, the old ‘post-and-pray’ way reaches fewer available qualified candidates, and fewer still who follow through with the application. It’s essentially a smaller pool than really exists, because the majority of genuinely qualified and potentially interested people never see the job, and fewer within that pool want to apply.
Real-time matching incorporates numerous factors beyond basic keywords, including how a candidate’s preferences align with that of the company, recruiter and the job. And if a job description changes or a candidate adds a new skill, real-time matching updates automatically to bring more recruiters and candidates together. In the case of RealMatch’s real-time job matching, a unique algorithm continually updates and tweaks candidates to the the job description to deliver more qualified candidates to employers.
Matching technology broadens the recruiter’s reach, especially when it’s simple. Job seekers expect mobile access, and that trend is quickly overtaking desktop searches. Mobile-friendly technology means more candidates can find and apply for the job, and real-time matching technology means the job is much more likely to be a better fit.
Job Matching Improves the Odds of Right-Fit Applicants
Matching is so very different from searching, from a candidate’s point of view. A typical candidate searches using keywords, which produces few results that are truly a good fit. When candidates are matched, a much higher percentage of the jobs returned are just what the candidate is looking for.
Matching also results in a higher rate of application because the technology is so accurate at placing the right jobs in front of the right candidates’ eyes. A job seeker is 14 times more inclined to apply for a matched job than he/she are for a job that pops up with a basic keyword search.
Because matching works both ways all the time, candidates get continually updated results the same as recruiters do. If the recruiter updates information in a way that creates a better match, the candidate sees more potential jobs to choose from.

Together, Matching Improves Hiring and Retention
The whole reason behind matching is to improve the quality of hire and reduce churn. Getting the best person for the job requires reaching more people than only those who type in exactly the right keywords using one platform. It’s a better way for compatible employers and candidates to find each other.
Because real-time job matching analyzes the job and the candidate on so many different levels, the odds of a long-term fit greatly improve.
You’ve seen it before
A candidate might have all the right skills, but just doesn’t fit with the company culture. Using traditional methods, the candidate should have been a perfect fit. And that’s why traditional just doesn’t work.
When a new hire doesn’t work out, it’s frustrating for the company and the employee. It’s also a time-waster, not to mention the financial cost. Bringing the right jobs and candidates together changes all that. No system is perfect, but this one is a major improvement.
Recruiting has enough challenges without making the work harder than it has to be. If you’re committed to a keyword approach, you can expect the same results that you’ve had in the past. That might be OK for now, but what about as the unemployment rate gets lower and fewer qualified people actively look for work?
Job matching does some of the most challenging parts of your job automatically. And that frees you up for interviewing all of the great candidates who’ll be headed your way.
Learn more about job matching from RealMatch’s expert team.