Net Neutrality: What’s at Stake for Broadcast Media Sites?

What is the Internet? To some, it’s an organic and evolving community that’s built of ever-shifting networks of people. To others, it’s the Wild West, in which cat photos or the meme of the day dominates over government press releases, for better or for worse. Should There Be a Boss of the Internet? Control of […]
Collaboration is the Key to Better Broadcast and Better Reporting

Once upon a time, the news industry was separated into print, radio, and television. Widespread internet adoption added online media, and as internet technology advanced and broadband saturation increased, text, graphics, audio, and video became increasingly prominent on the web. The result was a blurring of the lines between the traditional methods of news delivery. […]
Is Broadcast Media Overlooking an Audience Development Opportunity?

There is an outstanding audience development opportunity that’s being overlooked by many broadcast television companies. The official websites of various television programs haven’t kept pace with the rest of digital media. SEE ALSO: User-Targeted Ads for Broadcast Television? They’re Here! Outranked Broadcast network sites like CBS.Com,, and have been losing Google Search Engine […]
Audience Development Through Social TV: it’s Just Getting Started

The Golden Age of social TV was just a couple of years ago. Since then, the concept seems to have waned. Some think that its best days are in the past. However, it’s still a viable means of audience development. SEE ALSO: Cross-Platform Ad Campaigns Integrate Social Media with Television Consolidation Social TV is enjoying […]
Cross-Platform Ad Campaigns Integrate Social Media with Television

It was only a matter of time. Social media is on its first date with television. Thanks to a new partnership, companies can accurately measure the impact of their TV ads with social media analysis. The Concept You might have heard of BrightLine. It’s a company that is “the leading provider of rich media advertising […]