Here’s Why The Biggest Job Ad Sites Aren’t Always The Best For Your Recruitment


Recruiting isn’t one-size-fits-all. Yet, most employers use this approach when they post all their jobs on one of the big job advertising sites. These sites (like Monster, Glassdoor, Indeed or LinkedIn) each have a substantive reputation and can get you a lot of visibility for your job openings—they just don’t work for every type of […]

Has LinkedIn Jumped the Shark?


LinkedIn has seen some good days and some bad days, but these days it’s beginning to look like it’s circling the drain. Or jumping the shark, maybe. Things aren’t looking great over at the professional social media giant. And that means a lot of recruiters will need a better way to find the elusive great […]

The Flaws with LinkedIn’s Job Matching, and How Its Recent Acquisition Might Help


This past February, LinkedIn acquired Bright, a job matching service, for $120 million. This left some people wondering: Why? What Was The Incentive? What was it that Bright had to offer LinkedIn? How did the online networking site stand to benefit from the purchase of a much smaller job matching service? LinkedIn, while used by […]

LinkedIn Acquires for Job Matching Technology


On February 6, business-oriented social network LinkedIn announced the acquisition of, a site dedicated to job matching. was specifically designed to address complaints by employers that ”there are no qualified applicants,” and complaints by job seekers that their resumes are overlooked. The company developed technology to more effectively match up job seekers and […]