4 Revenue-Generating Tips for Niche Online Magazines

4 Revenue-Generating Tips for Niche Online Magazines

PR Newswire recently quoted the Association of Magazine Media’s 2015 Magazine Media Factbook’s statement that within the past three years, the adult U.S. Viewership of magazines’ digital editions has more than quadrupled. That’s an extraordinary gain in audience numbers — and it’s time you captured a piece of that pie for your own niche publication. […]

How to Use Facebook to Find Your Niche Audience

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Facebook is the undisputed king of social media (for now,) and this means that if you plan to target any potential new members with marketing materials through social networking, you’re going to have to rely on Facebook for at least part of the job. Thankfully, Facebook makes it relatively easy to seek out targeted users […]

Expert Interview with Katrina de Leon on Niche Job Markets


  Katrina de Leon knows the ins and outs of a niche job board better than anyone; as the director of marketing for ProductionHUB, the premier pro video employment site, it’s her job to ensure that both producers and crew know how to find the right job online. She spoke with us about what goes […]

Expert Interview with Chris Bale on Niche Job Boards and Recruiting


Chris Bale is an expert on niche job boards and niche recruiting; after all, as the founder and head of eTaxJobs, niche recruiting is all he does. Chris talked to us about niche recruiting, how to get the most out of a job board and how employers can do more with their employment search. What […]