Successful recruitment advertising involves pleasing not only job seekers, but also making it worth the while of employers who will be placing ads on the job board. After all, you need companies to post job openings before you can draw job seekers.

Niche or trade job boards have experienced increasing success for several reasons. For one, employers can get resumes from qualified, relevant job seekers. With a trade job board, the listing employer pays for finding relevant job candidates, whereas with a general job board, the employer pays for finding all job candidates (the vast majority of whom aren’t qualified).
When you create a job board or add a custom job board to your website, you need to ensure job candidates are informed about postings they probably won’t find elsewhere, and you need to reassure recruiters that they’ll find qualified, relevant candidates from the website’s target audience. Here are 5 ways to encourage employers to advertise on your site’s job board.
1. Find Out Which Companies in Your Trade Are Currently Advertising Job Openings
Often, employers’ own websites are up-to-date with job lisitings, and you can use job search engines like LinkUp to let you search employers’ websites for job ads. Custom job board providers like RealMatch offer services like RealLeads, which gives you current information about employers in your niche who are currently advertising jobs on other job boards. Knowing who is looking for employees is the first step to getting them to advertise on your site’s job board.
2. Do Some Legwork on Social Networking Sites
Make a short list of names of companies you would like to see advertise on your job board. If you don’t already have contacts in those companies, search on LinkedIn for people connected with them and join relevant discussion groups on the site. Check out Google+ as well to find online communities that are relevant to your trade. Your job is to establish credibility with these people and their companies. By engaging in discussions about their companies and your trade in general, you strengthen your website’s professional network and open the door to referrals and introductions that can lead you to getting those companies to advertise on your job board.
3. Create a Helpful, Informative Marketing Package for Potential Job Advertisers
When you contact companies about listing on your job board, give them solid reasons why they should do so. List the benefits of using your job board, such as:
- Your site’s targeted audience
- The cost efficiency of niche job boards
- The fact that competitors are already putting their job listings on niche job boards
- The fact that niche job boards reach passive job seekers better than general job boards
Emphasize quality of candidates over quantity, and offer them information on your site and your site’s audience and traffic that will help convince them that your job board is where they should list.
4. Make It Easy for Job Seekers to Share Job Listings

On your job board, provide an easy way for job seekers to share job listings they find on your site with people they know who might be interested in applying. Collect pertinent traffic and social media statistics for your site to show potential job board advertisers that your site attracts qualified readers and makes it easy for them to share job listings with others.
5. Partner With a Strong Custom Job Board Provider
When you work with a leading custom job boards provider like RealMatch, you show employers that you’re serious about providing the next generation in job site technology. When you work with a top job board provider, you demonstrate you’re committed to making your job board a success, because it helps your bottom line while helping connect job candidates with jobs they want. Let the companies you want to list on your board know how effective and efficient your job board is and what you and the job board provider are doing to make it successful.
Photo Credits: patpitchaya /, graur razvan ionut /