In the world of online job boards, there are sites that serve as a spot to post resumes and browse job openings and then there are sites that go a step or two beyond – offering visitors not only a chance to see openings, but also get training and advice.
At OU Jobs, a career site run by the Orthodox Union, everyone has the chance to sign up for classes and seminars to help improve their chances for getting hired, says international director Michael Rosner.
SEE ALSO: Trends for Job Boards: What’s Coming in 2014
“Today’s employers are looking for people with practical knowledge of office or specialty work, with experience coming before degrees,” he says. “Microsoft and Google now look for people who can be trained under their tutelage regardless of their education.”
With this in mind, the OU job board offers online training for a variety of programs and skills including Microsoft Office, QuickBooks and HTML.
“When we train someone for QuickBooks we train them on how to use QuickBooks, not the philosophy behind it,” he adds. “The end result? After 16 hours of our classes our candidates are fully equipped to go onto the market with the tools they need to do the job.”
We recently checked in with Michael to find out more about the programs OU Jobs offers job hunters as well as get tips for job recruiters for making better ads.
Here’s what he had to say:
Can you tell us about OU Jobs? What services do you offer?
The OU job board is a 501c3 entity that provides a myriad of services for those people seeking jobs who are unemployed underemployed or need advice in moving their career forward. We not only host jobs, but we also host resumes, provide e-learning classes to update skills for today’s market place, provide resume and cover letter critiques and writing, seminars and Webinars in various employment opportunities, networking events, resume writing events directly to local communities as well as career counseling and mentors .
What sets you apart from other job sites?
Even though we are “virtual” we make our site as friendly and as interactive as possible. Questions are an email away and all emails are answered almost immediately. By offering our career and mentoring services we also tailor our site for people who are stuck and need someone to talk to. We are a “hotline” for those seeking employment. We also partner with more than 50 social service organizations around the USA alone, so personal service can be had in practically any state if need be by hooking up with our partner agencies
What kind of jobs do you specialize in?
We post all types of jobs. Our specialty is posting higher paid jobs with the average job posted paying $65-75K. We do have lower-end job as well as CEO, executive directorship jobs as well.
What advice do you have for recruiters for writing ads that attract quality candidates?
Recruiters have been in the drivers seat for a while now. But the pendulum is starting to swing back. I suggest recruiters be real. It’s always good for the bottom line to get the most for the least but sometimes asking for too much prevents qualified people from responding to a job post that the recruiter would settle for at the end of the day. Also stressing growth and a friendly working environment is a big plus to build up and recruit people who will remain loyal to the company. Don’t forget quality candidates want quality employers.
What are some of the challenges of running a job site like yours?
The biggest challenge is getting feedback from both the job seeker and the employer. As a free site we only ask for feedback from the user to provide us with the stats needed to make our site even better. The other challenge is to make sure the jobs posted are real and available. We vet each employer and their jobs prior to allowing them access to see resumes posted and prevent scammers from using our Job Board as a platform for spam and other useless initiatives.
What type of employment enhancement programs do you offer?
E-learning programs in practical use of MS Office products, Adobe CS6 for web and graphic development, QuickBooks from beginners to advanced users, CAD, HTML, Javascript and much more. These classes are all online and accessible through our archives for up to 60 days.
All our classes are given through Citrex and are totally interactive, allowing you to ask questions. We also have the instructor answering additional questions after class via email. These classes usually go over a four-day period with each class lasting 1.5- 2 hours each. The classes are free with a registration cost of $35 to $50 as total cost.
We also provide free seminars live and online on various employment topics from resume writing to body language, from use of LinkedIn and Facebook to mortgage and student loan assistance program. All these seminars are archived and are accessible any time 24/7.
Job fairs, community resume rewrites and networking classes are also available free of charge and are advertised through social media.
How has mobile technology and social media impacted the way you run your site?
We are a social media site. In essence, we advertise almost exclusively through SM and belong to various Facebook Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Yahoo! Groups, etc. that reach more than 500k targeted people weekly on top of our direct mail and newsletter campaigns that reach out to an additional 70K people.
What are some interesting trends or developments affecting job sites right now?
There are certain categories of jobs that are very hot including IT, therapists, PA, medical billing, office management, and a number of opportunities that we have listed on the job board blogs.