Although Black Friday started off as an informal day for retailers to boost sales for the year, it has morphed into a full-fledged yearly tradition. In fact, some people get so excited for Black Friday that they camp out in front of retailers in the hopes of being among the first shoppers to score great deals. What you may not know about Black Friday, however, is that while retailers expect to be cashing in, your newspaper or broadcast media organization can also generate extra money and online traffic by following a few simple steps.
SEE ALSO: Do You Have a Black Friday Strategy Yet?
1. Carry Ads and Display Them Prominently
One of the best ways to generate interest in your newspaper or broadcast media outlet during the holiday season is to carry ads from retailers and display them prominently. Many retailers these days offer previews of what deals they plan to offer on Black Friday, so the earlier you can get your hands on this information, the better. If you run a print publication, announce on your front page that you’re carrying advertisements for Black Friday in your paper. If you run a broadcast media organization, take some time each day to discuss upcoming deals. Additionally, you could also interview local retailers to let them discuss what deals they plan to offer on Black Friday.

2. Leverage Your Online Real Estate
If you’re interested in driving more online traffic to your Internet properties, make sure to frequently update your website and social media profiles to include information about Black Friday deals. You could also write stories for consumers that discuss the best Black Friday strategies to get rare deals and maximize a shopper’s time during the day. From there, you could also encourage visitors to comment on your site or social media properties to discuss where they are finding deals or how they plan to tackle Black Friday. Whenever you post content about Black Friday on your social media properties or your website, make sure to include a call to action that prompts visitors to share the content with friends and family. You could also try to partner with local businesses to create a ring of marketing partners.
3. Hold a Contest
In order to further maximize traffic to your site during the holiday season, consider partnering with local businesses to hold a contest. For example, you could hold a contest in which people who visit your social media profiles are required to like the page and share it with friends and whoever shares the page the most wins gift cards to a local retailer. Likewise, you could hold a contest in which people have to like and share your page to enter, and then they submit their craziest Black Friday shopping story. The winner would be the person with the most outrageous story, and he or she would win cash to spend on Black Friday.