If you manage a custom job board, it’s important to have quality job listings on it that draw in A-list applicants. Otherwise, employers won’t continue to list with you, and companies that are considering listing may not bother because they won’t see a well-populated, dynamic job board on your site.

It’s a good idea to offer help to employers with the task of writing effective job board postings to go on your site. Here are six tips employers can use to write engaging, effective job listings.
1. Use Relevant Keywords in the Title of Your Listing
If you want to post a job listing, visit the website with the job board you’re considering listing on and put yourself in the job candidate’s shoes. For example, if you’re considering listing on a site for business lawyers, pretend you’re a lawyer searching for a job on that site. Important keyword phrases applicants might use could be “business litigation attorney,” “contracts attorney,” or “business tax lawyer.” Use appropriate keyword phrases in the title of your listing and in the body text, too.
2. Cover All Important Points, But Keep It Brief
This is the biggest challenge in writing an effective job description. Have a one- to two-line overview, list minimum and preferred qualifications, and include a few details on what makes this job better than similar job openings (bonuses, great benefits, etc.). Always list the job qualifications that are non-negotiable to discourage under-qualified applicants.
3. Use Visuals, but Don’t Be Cheesy
If you have the opportunity to purchase a premium job listing that includes video, you should seriously consider buying such a listing if you have a brief, professional quality video illustrating why candidates should apply with your company. Avoid smarmy touches in your listing like excessive exclamation points, or a string of dollar signs surrounding the job title. Your listing should stand out in a positive way.

4. Target Your Ad to the Audience
Get to know the site with the job board you’re considering. Read discussion threads and get a feel for the overall tone of the site. Visit their social media pages, too. If the company’s site has a more casual feel, tailor your ad to be a little less buttoned-up. If the site is serious and formal, don’t write a job description that’s full of slang or with a breezy tone. Consider who uses the site, and write the job ad for that audience.
5. Avoid Company-Specific Jargon
You may know perfectly well what a “Level III Processor” does, but applicants generally won’t. While applicants should know the exact job title for which they’re applying so they can fill out the application properly, it’s up to you to state what that job entails in plain English. If you have a trustworthy friend outside your company who can read the listing and point out jargon, it can help you write a job description that will be meaningful to applicants who aren’t familiar with your company’s particular titles.
6. Give Specific Directions on How to Apply
Whether you use a link with the text “Click here to apply” or list exactly what candidates need to submit (resume, cover letter, application, etc.) and to who they should send it (the name of the hiring manager), you need a specific call to action in your job listing. If a job candidate has read all the way through your ad, but then doesn’t know what to do to actually apply, you’ll miss out on many good applicants. Make it crystal clear what an applicant is to do in order to apply for the position.
Custom job boards are a terrific way for digital publishers and media companies to develop their website’s revenue stream and make their site more appealing to both new and returning visitors. RealMatch leads the way with terrific job board software that benefits publishers, employers who are hiring, and job candidates looking for that perfect job.
Photo Credits: akeeris / freedigitalphotos.net, stockimages / freedigitalphotos.net