
The old song says, ”What a difference a day makes.” Imagine what 10 years can do. A decade has passed since the housing bubble burst, the stock market took a plunge and the shock heard ’round the world launched unemployment like a rocket. Two years was all that it took...
Of course, print is dying! At least a bit. But it’s a little too early to call in the organist and order a nice arrangement of flowers. Print is not even close to drawing its final breath. While the future is undeniably digital news, there’s a fiercely loyal core base...
Newspaper reporters and writers have the chops and credibility that many bloggers, even successful ones, can’t touch. But they have a different sort of secret sauce that could drive you to a new level of newspaper success. The most influential bloggers share a few common threads that their audiences respond...
Where can your job board go? Anyplace you like! How do you know? The good doctor already told you so. Even serious businesses can learn a lot from the silliness of Dr. Seuss. Lessons such as courage, determination and taking a leap of faith don’t fade after primary school. If...
What good is a job board if you can’t drive in the right traffic? You don’t want a ghost town, you need a thriving hub where employers and job seekers meet. And that takes strategy on all fronts. Marketing strategy components should be designed to bring the right people to...
The middle of the talent acquisition funnel offers so many possibilities, you might even call it the fun part of recruiting. But it’s also where many job candidates abandon the process. With the ever-growing cost of hire, you need as many oars in the recruiting waters as possible to help...
Talent acquisition nearly mirrors marketing and the sales journey. It’s taken a while for HR and recruiters to see the parallels, but now the funnel concept is quickly becoming the go-to model that hiring teams monitor, adapt, tweak and use for a stronger, healthier talent pipeline. People go through similar...
​”Begin at the beginning,” Lewis Carroll famously wrote. That was important advice for the White Rabbit, and it’s sound advice for you. Great hires begin with great candidates at the top of the talent acquisition funnel—and top funnel recruiting isn’t just for acquiring as many people as possible. That’s where...
Millennials are the future of digital news and they’re more engaged than you might think. In fact, considering the digital direction of news, they might be a better audience to court than Baby Boomers or older Gen-Xers. They’re busy bees with a wide range of interests. RELATED: Newspaper Ads Aren’t...
Believe it or not, newspaper ads and readers aren’t sworn enemies. People love ads, at least if they’re packaged and delivered the right way. Consider how people flock to watch Super Bowl ads. They talk about them for weeks. Magazines are famously packed with advertising from back to front. And...
Few newspaper ads have performed exactly as anyone hoped since the digital transition. The fact that people still talk about digital as if it’s some kind of upstart shows that there’s still a lot of work to do. Small local and major national publishers continue to rely on ads, both...
The year 2016 didn’t invent fake news; not even close. It will take a lot more than a firestorm of social media shares to bring down newspapers and writers with integrity. Most people have been taken in by at least one fabricated story. Now that it’s a trending topic and...
After hearing the same old thing again and again, people start to believe it. But are newspapers dying? No; far from it. They’re only changing. And change, as it goes, can be good. A few positive voices can be heard above the negative din. They’re saying: People still want the...
The newspaper industry showed incredible disruption in 2016, but it also revealed a wealth of positive momentum. Sometimes, it takes a little disruption to crack the shell and hatch something that’s full of promise. Publishers have begun to grasp the digital-first mentality. More focus is on content, not just branding....
Between the years, 1983-1987, there was a popular television show called the ”A Team.” Four Vietnam War veterans were charged with robbing the Bank of Hanoi during the War, and were tried, convicted, and sent to a military prison. They actually did rob the bank, but they do so under...
Nail your marketing package, and you’ll crack the toughest nut: advertising revenue. It’s what makes the best job boards go ’round. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hands-on person who builds and markets the job board every step of the way or if you work with a partner who lightens...
You can manage reputation and brand awareness for job sites, or passively let it sort itself out. Most businesses have an online reputation, whether they have a say in the process or not. But management is active. It lets you help shape the way advertisers and job candidates view your...
“You can’t pick your data, but you must pick your metrics.” – Jeff Bladt, Harvard Business Review Be careful about getting so caught up in data that you lose sight of the talent acquisition goal: great hires. Data is what your metrics are made of; it’s not the metrics, themselves....
Without advertisers, job boards would be a lonely planet. So naturally, one of the first and top priorities for any job board owner is bringing in ad dollars. Even better, you want advertisers who come back for more and more business. But attracting the best advertisers takes more than one...
Data-driven or programmatic recruitment advertising started off as an industry disruptor. Now it’s settling into its groove as a go-to strategy for employers, recruiters, HR, job boards and publishers. It’s defining how each element of the talent acquisition industry does business together. And it’s fast becoming the new standard. Like...
The typical job posting follows a similar pattern. Title, description, requirements, and a yawn for good measure. Job ads have their own job to do, but they have more versatility than you might realize. If they aren’t optimized for multifaceted performance, they’ll miss the target more often than not. And...
“The corporate learning marketplace is ready for a revolution. Never before have I seen so much frustration, innovation, and change in the corporate L&D world.” – Josh Bersin, Principal at Bersin by Deloitte. Disruption is the name of the game for talent acquisition in 2017. That’s what Bersin by Deloitte...
Is any generation more disparaged in the workplace than Millennials? They’re entitled, some say. They want too many perks and aren’t quite as disciplined as past generations. So what to do about the fact that Baby Boomers are retiring in droves and businesses need a new crop of managers? The...
Drug testing employees is routine for many employers. It’s likely been the policy for as long as senior leadership can remember. And so, every time a new hire joins the company, they’re sent off to pee in a cup and prove they’re drug-free. A recent survey of around 70,000 working...
Wouldn’t it be great to peek into the mind of a prospective employee to learn whether he or she would be a good company fit? In a way, that’s what personality tests can do. More employers are using them, and with interesting results. The most useful tests aren’t created in-house...
If your job posting efforts haven’t changed substantially over the past few years, there’s no way around it: It’s time for a change. The same applies if you think it’s little more than a notification and invitation to apply. Great job postings are technically ads, but also a bit different....
Newspapers and department stores no longer have a loving relationship. After generations of what appeared to be a match made in heaven, retail giants, particularly Macy’s, are cutting back on the lifeblood that keeps newspapers alive. That’s ad revenue. While a suspiciously wandering eye permeates the real world versus digital...
Open positions don’t save the company money, even though there’s no paycheck issued to an empty workstation. In some cases, especially with tech positions, the act of posting jobs means you’re losing money. And the longer the chair stays empty, the worse the situation becomes. You can learn a lot...
A strong personal brand is a fundamental component of your success not only as an employer, but also as a hiring manager. And on a larger scale, your employer brand is often synonymous with your company brand. So it’s important to make sure that you are doing all that you...
What will be the first step you take when one of your top performers resign? You will look for candidates who have similar skill set and experience to fill their shoes. Needless to say, it’s hard to find ideal replacements all the time. So, how do you deal with this...

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