Inside Look: What’s Happening in Today’s Job Market – An Analysis With Adzuna

Over the past several months, the job market has been unpredictable. With a market in constant flux, it’s hard to tell where we’ve been and to see where we’re going. But as we embark on the latter half of the year, we’ve started to wonder what specific aspects of the market have been affected by […]
5 Guaranteed Techniques That Will Improve Your Hiring Process

Enterprise hiring can feel like a daunting task for you and your team. You have hundreds if not thousands of jobs to fill, but you can’t seem to zero in on the best candidates. Maybe your process isn’t as streamlined as you may think. Nailing down a process that benefits both you and potential hires […]
Closing Top Candidates with Multiple Offers

As a recruiter or hiring manager, there is perhaps nothing more frustrating than extending what you think is a great offer to a top talent candidate, only to have them tell you that they are considering other offers. While you think that this might be a bargaining chip to get you to increase compensation or […]
6 Things HR Needs to Know About Generation Z

It might be difficult to believe, but Millennials aren’t incoming freshmen anymore. Welcome, Generation Z. Born after 1995, they’re the youngest segment of the workforce and they’re not as similar to their predecessors as you might imagine. This is their first act and they’re ready for their close-up. This generation wants involvement, they want to […]
Maintaining Your Employer Reputation

For business leaders, hiring managers, and recruiters there is an acute awareness that a positive corporate reputation, both on and offline, are part and parcel of accessing new clients, receiving funding opportunities, and conducting business in an increasingly interconnected world. Most of us care about our corporate reputations when it comes to our customers, but […]
Understanding Your Recruitment Budget and How to Take Back Control

Creating an annual recruiting budget can seem like an overwhelming responsibility, but it’s an essential task for any well-organized recruiter or talent acquisition specialist. Failing to do so means that you won’t be able to capture crucial metrics and identify areas for development. A well-planned recruiting budget can make or break your talent acquisition success […]
Strategic Recruitment For Long-Term Success

Savvy organizations know that to give their business the best chance to succeed, they must attract and hire the right talent at the right time. But if your recruiting process is limited to open positions on your careers site or a job board, you are failing to hire strategically, meaning that you are only looking […]
4 Apps to Add to Your Recruitment Tools List

Programmatic recruitment advertising is the process of automating the decision-making of where job ads are displayed as well as how much you need to bid to target specific audiences, demographics, and sites. It eliminates the time, cost, and hassle of posting multiple jobs across tons of sites. In addition to your programmatic solution, check out […]
4 Strategies for Effective Onboarding

Did you know that approximately 3 million Americans quit their jobs each month? And that doesn’t even include the number of layoffs, firings, or other involuntary terminations. Many workers leave jobs soon after starting. While some may leave for better pay or for other personal reasons, recruiters and hiring managers in the know understand that […]
Is Simple Texting the Next Big Thing in Recruiting Technology?

You probably text every day, but have you ever sent text messages to a job candidate? Get ready, because you will. RELATED: What it Means to be a Recruiting Leader in 2018 Texting isn’t new, but it is new for recruiting technology. It’s how the up-and-coming generations prefer to communicate, especially with unsolicited messages or […]
4 Ways Top Recruiters Nail Their Brand as a Leader

Are you just a recruiter? Or are you someone other recruiters want to imitate? Chances are you fall somewhere in between. If you want to break out of the rut and transform your brand, you need to stop, re-evaluate and form a new plan. Otherwise, you’ll be on the same track in a year. RELATED: […]
What it Means to be a Recruiting Leader in 2018

Some people are natural-born leaders. They have a certain influential quality that makes others stop and pay attention. The best ones wear it lightly, too. People naturally want to do what they’re doing, read what they’re reading and hopefully enjoy some of the same successes. But what if you’re not one of the lucky ones […]
Can Better HR Technology Really Improve Your Company’s Bottom Line?

HR professionals everywhere are hoping for (and hopefully planning for) a healthier budget in the coming year. Just think of what more funding could do. You could update the company hiring site, develop more brand-building strategies, and maybe offer a more attractive benefits package. That’s just the beginning. You could also invest in new HR […]
How to Convince the CFO You Need a Bigger HR Budget

You can’t simply walk into a budget meeting with your hand out and hope to walk away from it happy. Preparation takes time. With the new budget season nearly upon us, hopefully, you’ve already begun. Unfortunately, asking for a bigger budget isn’t as simple as explaining why you need it. To capture the attention of […]
HR Budget Season is Coming: Get More or Get Left in the Dust

How do you view HR? Are you the department that fills open positions and ensures compliance with state and federal regulations? Or are you one of the critical driving forces behind the success of every team, every department and the company as a whole? Related: Can Better HR Technology Really Improve the Company’s Bottom Line? […]
6 Things HR Needs to Know About Generation Z

It might be difficult to believe, but Millennials aren’t incoming freshmen anymore. Welcome, Generation Z. Born after 1995, they’re the youngest segment of the workforce and they’re not as similar to their predecessors as you might imagine. This is their first act and they’re ready for their close-up. RELATED: Employee Skills Shortage Could be a […]
3 Ways HR Talent Management Can Shape the Future Workforce

You’re not the only one bemoaning the lack of qualified job candidates. It’s happening in every industry and keeps getting worse. But what would you give for one great idea that could shape the future for the better? RELATED: Employee Skills Shortage Could be a Bigger Problem in 2018 HR talent management professionals have an […]
Employee Skills Shortage Could be a Bigger Problem in 2018

It’s no secret that great job candidates are few and far between these days. Employment is up, unemployment is down, and just like two days before prom, most people are already accounted for. But HR and many employers share another growing concern besides a thinning talent pool. There’s a skills shortage, they say, even among […]
What the Talent Acquisition Pipeline of the Future Might Look Like

With the rise of the gig economy and unemployment progressively lower, casting a line into the same pool of candidates can yield disappointing talent acquisition results. Diversifying where you source, how you retain and who you hire are becoming requirements for recruiters and human resources, especially as the market continues adding more new jobs. Younger […]
Develop a Mentoring Talent Strategy that Brings Seasoned Pros and New Stars Together

As more of the Baby Boomer generation moves toward retirement, carefully honed skill sets become an increasingly rare commodity for employers. Fresh, new job candidates enter the workforce every day, but what they have in enthusiasm, they lack in experience. There’s a skills gap that’s widening as more people retire, but a mentoring program might […]
Are You Overlooking a Job Candidate Goldmine?

If you look for talent acquisition gold in a tapped out stream, you’ll come up with a pan full of sand. But if you stake another claim upstream, you might find some bright, shiny prospects. There’s a gold mine of talented people just waiting to be discovered. Problem is, most of them are overlooked for all […]
Can Blind Recruitment Help Encourage Diversity?

Some organizations are having great luck cultivating genuine diversity in the workplace through blind recruitment. This strategy requires knowing less and consequently learning more about your candidates. Those two sentiments aren’t mutually exclusive, as they might seem. RELATED: Workplace Diversity Is The Key To Success in HR The more that you know about a candidate […]
Bridging the Generational Gap: Hiring Strategies for Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers

Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers might speak almost entirely different languages and respond to different hiring strategies, but they’re all valuable assets in a diverse workplace. If you could peek into the mind of one, you’d likely see different process and a different sort of culture expectation than you’d find in another. Unless you […]
Workplace Diversity Is The Key To Success in HR

HR departments are probably the most important departments in Tech companies. Yes, HR – not necessarily R&D, product or marketing – this is the department that its employees set the foundation for the success of any company. It is their responsibility (and goal) to bring in the best and brightest, to create a great diversity […]
How Technology Can Help HR Hire Better Candidates

The job of HR recruiters keeps increasing in complexity, so it’s no wonder that new technologies are more than a little welcome to help manage it all. Everything is changing. Candidate sourcing isn’t simple anymore, and neither is keeping up with the ways that they want and need to be reached. And that doesn’t begin […]
The San Francisco 49ers Offer a Lesson in Engaging Millennials

When you see the term “recruitment” in association with professional football, you probably assume that it has something to do with the college draft or pre-season team member selection. At the very least, you wouldn’t automatically assume that it has anything to do with your own job recruitment site. But a recent TalentCulture story concerning […]
It’s Not Easy Being the Office Bad Guy, But It Can Be Made Easier

Delivering bad news is no fun in any situation, but when you’re the person tasked with delivering bad news in the workplace, it can be more uncomfortable. The truth is, however, that bad news is a part of life, and if you’re the professional who has to break such news, you may find yourself in […]