The 4 New Media Technologies All Publishers Need to Know

Traditional media publishers are finding digital publishing to be a lot more dynamic than print ever was. Even when television emerged as the primary way that advertisers reached mass audiences, nothing about the marketing part of the technology changed for decades. Any changes that would occur in print, radio, or television were relatively easy to […]
How One Magazine’s Makeover Might Provide a Road Map to Building a Community

Much has been made of Rookie Magazine‘s decision to revamp its website. Most notably, the publication for (and largely created by) teenage girls has aimed its sights firmly on community building and audience engagement as a means of boosting both traffic and ad revenues. Let’s look at Rookie’s tactics — and how they might help […]
3 Offers to Help Boost Customer Acquisition

While subscription can serve as your publication’s lifeblood, attracting new subscribers serves as the sustenance that will keep your publication growing and thriving. Unfortunately, and especially in the age of the Internet, too many organizations and associations have gotten caught up in marketing gimmicks that not only work to push potential subscribers away, but also […]
To Praise or Vilify Digital, That is the Question

Mark Thompson is the CEO of the Times Company, and Robert Thomson is the CEO of News Corporation. The Times publishes newspapers such as the New York Times, and News Corporation publishes newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal. Not only do these two men battle each other for revenue in an increasingly competitive news […]
What’s the Future of the Paywall?

For centuries, newspaper publishers offered the same stories and advertising to masses of people and then collected their shekels each week as part of a subscription payment. The act of the paper delivered coming to the door each Friday to collect on the subscription costs had become as much of a part of daily life […]
How to Design the Ultimate Infographic

Publishers love infographics because they are visual representations of information that bring in a lot of web traffic. If you want your infographic to be effective, then you need to understand the elements that go into creating a visual presentation of information that people can both enjoy and use as a resource. It is not […]
How Spain’s Google Tax is Impacting Newspapers

Google News is an aggregator service that collects information from online news publishing websites and then offers that information in small snippets to the public. The payoff for the publishers is that the snippets also contain links that go back to the publisher’s websites. There are other news aggregators out there, but Google News is […]
4 Tips for Making the Most of Your Mobile App

By now, most publishers have an app they use to interact with their customer base and drive mobile advertising revenue. But are you getting the most interaction you can with your app? There are a few ways you can not only get your app loaded onto more smartphones and tablets, but also increase interaction with […]
Google Invests Big in European Newspapers

As the premier search engine in the world, Google always has to be careful that it is as objective as possible when it comes to delivering search results to Internet users. Over the years, Google has been accused of favoring its own programs over others in search results, and nowhere has Google run into more […]
Turns Out Millennials Really Do Care About News!

As Millennials take on more prominent roles in society, it is becoming more and more important to determine what they like and what they are willing to buy. One of the misconceptions about millennials is that they are more interested in interacting on social media than in getting the latest news. Nothing could be further […]
Page Views vs. Engagement: What You Really Need to Focus On

Positive web analytics can brighten a digital publisher’s day in all sorts of ways — including some rather misleading ones. You may be cheered by high page view and impression counts on your website, but an increasing number of publishers (and the advertisers who support them) are turning away from page views as the dominant […]
3 Tips for Setting the Perfect Agenda for Your Meeting

An agenda is a very powerful tool to have set in place when planning any type of meeting. This becomes especially true when the meeting you are planning involves a large group of people, something that is often the case in meetings of trade associations or professional organizations. Without a clear agenda set ahead of […]
Why Now is the Right Time to Advertise on Instagram

When Instagram first launched in 2010, it got off to a quick start as users loved that the service allowed professional-looking filters to be applied to pictures snapped on smartphones, turning them into artistic expressions of everyday life. From selfies in the bathroom mirror to shots of lakes, streams, oceans, and even a user’s lunch, […]
5 International Content Creation Resources

Content creation is the most important factor for how online businesses and brands attract people to their sites, improve rankings in search engine results and, most importantly, portray their messages and convince site visitors to take action. In short, content is king! SEE MORE: Mobile Usage Now Larger Than Desktop: What Does This Mean For […]
4 Helpful Tools for Measuring Audience Engagement

Live, in-person events will always play a role in trade publication promotion, but unless you can see just how well you’re engaging your audiences at these events, you have no way of knowing what kind of impact they’re making. Fortunately, just as the Internet has added a whole new dimension to the publishing world, modern […]
New Jobs Report Shows Tightening Labor Market

Many job seekers can rest assured about this year’s national employment picture following its impressive 2014 turnaround. Some of the numbers are nicer than others, but certain job sectors in particular offer good prospects for qualified candidates. Let’s take a closer look at this tightening of the labor market — and what it might mean […]
How to Combat a Cyber Attack on Your Association

The Internet has undoubtedly made the world a more connected and productive place, but it has also made the world more dangerous. Tech-savvy individuals who possess ill intent are often referred to as hackers, and these people can sometimes cripple even the largest companies and government institutions in the world. In fact, just recently, the […]
Uncover What Your Job Board Could Be With RealMatch [INFOGRAPHIC]

There are all kinds of reasons why many publishers are choosing RealMatch as their recruitment advertising platform. In this infographic, we explore some of the key differences between RealMatch and some of our competitors. Uncover what your job board could be with RealMatch and see what those purple guys aren’t delivering: 1 of a kind: […]
From Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest to Your Publication: Getting Readers to Click That Link

Social media is one of the best ways to engage current readers and find new ones. You probably already have Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest accounts set up with fresh tweets, posts, and pins. But how do you get your followers to leave that social media site and land on yours? SEE ALSO: Use Social Media […]
Use Your Audience Data for Targeted Ad Sales

If your trade publication is associated with a companion website, the stream of data that website collects can play a critical role in helping you boost both ad revenue and audience share. So says Mather Economics President Matt Lindsay in an article for the Newspaper Association of America (NAA). Let’s look at some of the […]
4 Revenue-Generating Tips for Niche Online Magazines

PR Newswire recently quoted the Association of Magazine Media’s 2015 Magazine Media Factbook’s statement that within the past three years, the adult U.S. Viewership of magazines’ digital editions has more than quadrupled. That’s an extraordinary gain in audience numbers — and it’s time you captured a piece of that pie for your own niche publication. […]
Magazine Publisher Rodale Partners With Chef’

If there truly is strength in numbers, two online companies just got stronger. Rodale, the self-described “world’s leading healthy lifestyle media company” recently announced that it’s entered into a creative partnership with gourmet meal service Chef’d to feature the latter’s meal plans and a la carte gourmet meal kits in a variety of health-oriented trade […]
Circulation Revenue Surpasses Advertising for First Time

According to the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, the amount of revenue generated by circulation dollars was greater than the amount of revenue generated by advertising in 2014. This small piece of information holds some monumental implications for companies that engage in digital media and print media. What Does This Mean? The news […]
Polls, Yes, Polls(!) Can Increase Audience Engagement

Posting new content to your trade publication’s website can sometimes make you feel like you’re shouting into a void — after all, asking for interactive responses isn’t the same thing as inspiring them. That’s why the announcement of instant-polling site Wedgie’s integration with cross-channel posting site should make digital publishers sit up and take […]
Our Favorites for June

If you are not already subscribed to Recruitment ADvisor, make sure you subscribe now so you do not miss any key articles that can help you improve your job board and recruitment advertising strategies. Here is a second look at some of our favorite recent articles. 5 Job Board Trends in 2015 – If you […]
Stop Postponing An Audience Development Strategy

When you think of marketing your trade association or professional organization, does the term “audience development” come to mind? If not, you may be missing out on plenty of potential new paying members. Audience development has always played a large part in the marketing process, but today, thanks to the Internet and social media, it’s […]
Trade Publishers Finding Value in Expanding Through Acquisitions

Some of the biggest trade publishers in the industry have grown even larger with recent acquisitions of other publishing companies, boosting their profit margins and cutting operating costs in one fell swoop. But you don’t have to be a publishing giant to benefit from this tried-and-true method of business growth. Some types of strategic acquisitions […]
Publications Tap Back Issues to Attract New Readers

“Everything old is new again,” or so goes the song lyric — and some of the nation’s most long-lived print publications seem to be leveraging that notion to generate new readers and new revenue. An increasing number of these publications are finding ways to monetize their extensive archives of back issues by making them available […]
Should You Let Members Vote on Their Dues?

Any membership group has to, at some point, raise dues in order to stay operational. Whether it is increased costs associated with taking on new initiatives or just trying to keep up with the increases in the costs of doing business, every association has to re-examine its dues structure at some point to determine when […]
How to Harness the Power of Instagram for Your Trade Publication

Trade association members are increasingly looking for new ways to connect with their colleagues. The traditional approaches of bulletin boards, monthly publications, and conferences remain essential — but they’re not enough. It’s also important to have a social media strategy. As social media has evolved to include more than Facebook and Twitter, many trade publishers […]
The Importance of a Digital Community for Trade Associations

Virtually any type of group can benefit from harnessing the power of the Internet to communicate, and trade associations are no different. These days, digital communities can provide trade associations with the ability to provide useful information to members, offer updates on the latest in industry news, and also organize meetings, both online and off. […]
5 Ways to Find New Advertisers for Your Trade Publication

Trade publications are facing the same stark issues with advertising that many others in the publishing industry are also dealing with, but with an added issue; their pool of clients just isn’t as big as a general interest publication. So how do you find new advertisers in a smaller pool of fish?Look for Problems to […]
3 Reasons Why Trade Publications Should Follow Social Media’s Cues

With a lot of online readers only being able to peruse 140 characters at a time, there have been two questions that have been asked repeatedly: Can trade publications survive? If not, should the trade magazine business adapt to the social media landscape? The answer to both questions is an unequivocal yes. A trade magazine […]
B2B Is Worst, and Best, for Site Monetization through Interactive Ads

Small publishers are usually the last to take up new forms of technology, like interactive ads. The problem lies in the cost to set up these new technologies and use them to the publication’s advantage. There is no guarantee that they will work. The benefit for trade magazines is the targeted, tighter audience. This helps […]