Reporting & Analytics

When hiring in the healthcare industry, keeping an eye on key staffing metrics is critical to improving hiring practices and the quality of care. Healthcare facilities face unique challenges when it comes to staffing, so tracking the right metrics is essential for achieving optimal staffing levels, retaining top talent, and...
Creating a concise and effective HR report takes planning. Knowledge of the most relevant metrics to your organization is the key to an HR report that communicates worthwhile information. These metrics change not only from company to company — but also shift as the year’s pass. As 2022 kicks off,...
Quality of hire is one of the most important metrics for any HR department—but it’s also one of the hardest to track. Evaluating how much value each new hire is adding to your organization takes time, effort, and a deep understanding of your company’s needs. The payoff is an increased...
Turnover and employee attrition are often thought of as bad words in the recruitment and HR space. But there’s no use in denying that they happen—and they can’t be ignored if your company is facing unwanted employee attrition. Keep reading to learn more about what employee attrition is, how it...
It’s been proven that more diverse and inclusive companies are more successful businesses. So how can you effectively build a more diverse and inclusive organization? One key when it comes to prioritizing D&I is measuring diversity metrics. This can help you track improvements—and identify the areas that are in need...
Employees leaving is a natural part of today’s workplace. Sometimes people retire after serving your organization for several years, sometimes they want to seek out a new challenge, and other times they may be making a career move. None of these are red flags—but what happens when your organization is...
You already know we live in a tech-driven world—which means you probably also know the importance of data across a variety of job functions. Many teams, like HR and talent acquisition teams, will set and measure metrics, even seemingly qualitative results that you might not associate with numbers. These metrics...
Metrics, metrics, metrics. That’s the heart of recruiting today and with good reason: data helps us make informed decisions and allocate precious resources in more targeted, effective ways. Metrics are also handy for getting people on board when it comes time to strategizing and building budgets. However, when it comes...
Whether you notice it or not, data is at the heart of everything we do these days. It guides the recommendations you get when you log in to a streaming service. It helps you decide whether your finances can support that big purchase you’ve been eyeing. Data supports and helps...
As we move into 2021, hiring and recruiting is a more demanding field than ever. Organizations need to be more and more strategic, and that calls for a metrics-driven approach that lets HR achieve its goals while managing precious resources. For the recruiters and managers on the ground, that means...
This year has been so crazy in so many ways, it can be hard to believe that the usual end-of-year tasks are upon us. Yet the calendar marches on no matter what’s going on, and it’s time to start strategizing for 2021’s recruiting budget and needs. If you’re having trouble...
HR analytics help teams better understand the movements and motivations of their workforce through the clear-cut language of data. When HR teams take a comprehensive data-driven approach, they consider multiple points of the employee experience: compensation, retention rates, diversity, and inclusion—all of it, really. Understanding these analytics can help savvy...
Chances are, the next hire you will make is checking their mobile device, using a wireless network, or running social media software right now. For you, that means constant streams of information you can use in order to find and hire the best candidates for your open positions. Over the...
One of the advantages of high-volume hiring metrics is that the sheer numbers, while daunting, give you more reliable, actionable data. Much like a scientific study that includes 10,000 patients instead of 100, the data you collect is greater by order of magnitude and the averages you get will be...
One of the advantages of high-volume hiring metrics is that the sheer numbers, while daunting, give you more reliable, actionable data. Much like a scientific study that includes 10,000 patients instead of 100, the data you collect is greater by order of magnitude and the averages you get will be...
Combining new technology with your ATS (a.k.a. “integration”) is a way to migrate the various processes of your business and hiring into one location, which leads to a more efficient workflow for the talent acquisition team and a better collection stream for all your data. Ensuring your various technologies are...
Staffing agencies have a lot of data to maintain, from candidate tracking systems to job ad sites. If you’re like most agencies, the metrics that get the most attention often have to do with cost. But there are a lot of other metrics you might be overlooking in your rush to...
You probably already know that an ATS or applicant tracking software houses a lot of organizational data that can help you keep tabs on the information you need throughout the hiring process. For large companies with multiple branches, this type of cloud-based system offers a centralized location for this information,...
There’s an unspoken cost to being “datacentric” in today’s data-heavy, digital world. While having numbers to back up your assumptions is always helpful, the dark underbelly of data is something that until now wasn’t really a problem. We’re talking about data silos. Data silos, as defined by PC Magazine, are...
The moment of matching a perfect candidate to an open position can be very rewarding, like fitting two puzzle pieces together. It is task-oriented and goal-centric. But, while that final goal is obvious, and while your talent acquisition team may already contain dedicated individuals passionate about what they do, there...
Much like the grain silo on a farm, the data silo houses a lot of information in one location. But unlike the farm silo, where you don’t want your wheat mixed with your barley, information-sharing between “silos” can be truly beneficial to an organization. Often unintentionally siloed, information-sharing between departments...
Traditionally, HR is very people-oriented (after all, it’s in the name). People drawn to HR have a talent for finding people, hiring people, and helping people thrive in the work environment. It’s all very focused on the human element of work life and company productivity. But HR has also stealthily...
Many HR professionals chose their field because they are good at dealing with people. “People analytics,” on the other hand, may sound daunting, or like an oxymoron, but it is how HR teams can move beyond the day to day process of dealing with people at the individual level to...
There is a shrinking talent gap in the healthcare industry. As the Baby Boomer generation enters retirement age (with longer life expectancies than previous generations), the demand for healthcare services is growing fast. While the Millennial generation presently entering the workforce rivals the Baby Boomers in size, educational institutions designed...
Talent acquisition teams generate a lot of data, and it is often an underused resource. But once the HR department embraces their data and establishes metrics and a system of collection, there are several next steps that require you to fully optimize the data: understanding those metrics, letting the data...
Measuring your hiring efforts can be tough. From defining the measure, to clearly and accurately addressing the expected outcome, to establishing a process for collecting and measuring data, there’s a lot that goes into calculating your hiring efforts. However, measuring the results of your work is critical to understanding what...
With the CPC or “cost-per-click” model of job advertising common to most job boards today, more traffic will ultimately be more costly—but too little traffic will get you fewer applicants. It’s like the goldilocks principle of recruitment advertising: you don’t necessarily want too much traffic or too little: you want...
In the digital age, data generated by HR practices is vast. From traffic on the company’s website to keeping tabs on potential candidates for hire and on employees within your organization, there is a lot of data that can be generated over years—even over the course of a single day....
The handshake. The meeting. The phone call. Talent acquisition is very much in the business of people, but as a new generation of millennials enters the workforce (a generation that has grown up with the internet) the talent sourcing ecosystem now also relies on clicks and likes and a web...
Ever wondered whether programmatic recruitment advertising would really work for your organization? Would it be worth the money, time and effort spent in implementing it? If you do end up adopting it, what should you expect? Here are six answers to common questions about programmatic recruitment. Q. In simple terms,...

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