The Elephant in the Room: What’s in Store for the News Media

The industry is buzzing about changes that might be in store for the journalists in particular and the news media in general. The “Fake News” alarm is sounded without discretion, and news consumers are confused about what it means. Yours can be a clear voice above the din. Some pundits say journalists should have fewer […]
4 Reasons Digital News Should Honor its Roots

Of course, print is dying! At least a bit. But it’s a little too early to call in the organist and order a nice arrangement of flowers. Print is not even close to drawing its final breath. While the future is undeniably digital news, there’s a fiercely loyal core base of readers who only, or […]
Engage Millennials and Quicken the Pulse of Newspapers

Millennials are the future of digital news and they’re more engaged than you might think. In fact, considering the digital direction of news, they might be a better audience to court than Baby Boomers or older Gen-Xers. They’re busy bees with a wide range of interests. RELATED: Newspaper Ads Aren’t the Problem, People Love ‘Em! […]
Does Fake News Hurt the Future of Newspapers?

The year 2016 didn’t invent fake news; not even close. It will take a lot more than a firestorm of social media shares to bring down newspapers and writers with integrity. Most people have been taken in by at least one fabricated story. Now that it’s a trending topic and key phrase, it’s also a […]
Tim Walsh of Foundation Talent on Recruiting for Tech Companies

Tim Walsh specializes in digital marketing, sales, product, and professional services. In 2012 he co-founded ConnectedSearch, a boutique search firm in Boston and he spent eight years as the top-performing search consultant for a recruiting firm in Cambridge, filling more than 400 positions. Currently he’s a partner at The Foundation Talent, a recruiting firm specializing […]
What Does the Gawker Media Bankruptcy Mean for Publishers?

Headlines are buzzing with news about Gawker’s legal cage match with Hulk Hogan and the online publication’s recent and related bankruptcy. Some believe that this isn’t really the end for Gawker, even though the judgment awarded to the wrestling legend was more than double gossip magazine’s assets. But others say that the end of Gawker, […]
Ad Blocking Predicted to Cost U.S. Media Owners $12 Billion by 2020

It’s no wonder that major national newspapers and some dailies are taking a hard stance against readers who use ad blockers. They cost newspapers precious revenue, and the numbers keep getting worse. If the current climate continues, media owners in the U.S. alone could lose a staggering $12 billion by 2020. But users have their […]
Can Digital Fatigue Fuel a Newspaper Resurgence?

Like a host of migrating sparrows, shifting and bobbing to some unknown directive, the newspaper industry has adapted and changed course again and again in an effort to capture the all-important revenue. Newer, better and smarter technology has been touted as the way to find the course home. But all of that activity comes with […]
High-Touch and High-Tech: Why Publishers Need to Accommodate Both for Advertisers

If publishers want to win over a newer breed of advertisers, they’ll need to revisit what was great about the high-touch old ways. The technological innovation that makes programmatic advertising sales such a boon leaves one important gap, and that’s a personal touch. Accommodate both, and you’ll have a winning combination that sells. RELATED: Exploring […]
Has LinkedIn Jumped the Shark?

LinkedIn has seen some good days and some bad days, but these days it’s beginning to look like it’s circling the drain. Or jumping the shark, maybe. Things aren’t looking great over at the professional social media giant. And that means a lot of recruiters will need a better way to find the elusive great […]
Could a Major Newspaper Merger Change the Recruitment Advertising Game?

According to the New York Post, print advertising revenues for the newspaper industry dropped from $63 billion in 2000, down to $23 billion in 2013. While that is a sharp drop, the measures taken to slow the bleeding are working as ad revenue is expected to only drop by 0.9 percent in 2015. Newspapers have […]
3 Items to Check Before You Publish That All-Important ‘Employer Branding’ Blog Post

Blogging, otherwise known as providing regular, relevant, and updated information to site visitors, is an important component of any recruitment success. Basically, the more you provide valuable insight through text and other digital media, the more likely potential employees are to return and become applicants. But, what do you need to do before hitting “publish” […]
Newspapers Giving Up Digital Publishing: A Radical Idea, and a Wrong One

The idea that newspapers should give up digital publishing is a radical one. And it’s also wrong. A new book from H. Iris Chyi, titled “Trial and Error: U.S. Newspapers’ Digital Struggles toward Inferiority,” makes the argument that newspapers are so bad at the digital side of publication that they should completely give it up. […]
Why Print Newspapers Are Not Hitting Rock Bottom

Is print newspaper bottoming out? Not likely. A report last October from consulting firm McKinsey painted a relatively positive picture for the print publishing industry, claiming that “many of the people likely to abandon print newspapers and print consumer magazines have already done so … most of [the] core audience – households that have retained […]
Ad Blocking and the Uncertain Future of Publishing

For centuries, the publishing industry had operated its advertising business as though the purpose was to find the most intrusive ways to put a client’s advertising message in front of an audience. When the Internet started to become a primary source of information for people around the world and publishers started to move to the […]
Do Your Job Candidates Know the Cloud?

Many of the most sought-after job applicant selling points have remained constant throughout the years: persistence, commitment, intelligence and a sense of teamwork. But as the world has changed, so have hiring managers’ checklists of “must have” applicant traits. Rising to the top over the past few years? Knowledge of cloud computing. RELATED: Why Overqualified […]
The Vanishing of the Midsize Newspaper: Can Anything Turn the Tide?

Ever since the Great Recession of 2008, the newspaper industry has been in a constant start of flux. People are more careful with their disposable income, and newspapers are finding it difficult to get people to pay for information that is already available online for free. The other problem is that the Internet offers so […]
To Praise or Vilify Digital, That is the Question

Mark Thompson is the CEO of the Times Company, and Robert Thomson is the CEO of News Corporation. The Times publishes newspapers such as the New York Times, and News Corporation publishes newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal. Not only do these two men battle each other for revenue in an increasingly competitive news […]
What Does the Future Hold for Pay for Performance Job Advertising?

Over the past few years, companies have started to ask recruiting websites about pay for performance job ads. In other words, the company only pays for a recruiting ad if it gets some sort of positive response. While the concept can seem fairly easy, it is actually a loaded question that has several layers that […]
The Globalization of the Job Board

According to, the United States dominated the early job board market with a slew of general online recruiting websites that served a very important purpose. It was those initial online job boards that taught the public how to use the Internet to find a job, and it was those job boards that convinced employers […]
How Can Virtual Reality Save Print Media?

It’s becoming apparent that one of the things that separate the music industry from the print industry is that the print industry is learning how to utilize technology to grow revenue, while the music industry continues to fight technology in an attempt to hold onto revenue streams that are rapidly disappearing. When it comes to […]
When Job Board Marketing Goes Too Far

What should a job board do when its marketing goes too far? tells the story of a UK job board (we will maintain the board’s anonymity for its own sake) that placed cardboard signs all over London with the phrase “Found a Job” written on them and the job board’s address on it. Along […]
How Spain’s Google Tax is Impacting Newspapers

Google News is an aggregator service that collects information from online news publishing websites and then offers that information in small snippets to the public. The payoff for the publishers is that the snippets also contain links that go back to the publisher’s websites. There are other news aggregators out there, but Google News is […]
Why You Don’t Notice That Native Ads Are All Over Your Facebook

Online marketing and advertising experts spend a lot of time, and their customers spend a lot of money, trying to find the most cost-efficient ways to reach the largest audiences. Over the years, online publishers have learned that they have an advantage over printed publications in that ad placement can be dynamic and focused on […]
3 Audience Engagement Questions to Answer When Striving for Digital Dominance

According to the Shareaholic blog, if you want to increase audience engagement, then you have to care more about your audience. That seems pretty basic, but it is not as simple as it sounds. As many online publishers are finding out, understanding a digital audience is a complicated and difficult task. More people are switching […]
What 4 Niche Job Boards Are Doing Differently

Niche job boards are starting to take advantage of the specialization that has been going on in the job market for years. These days, being a generalist in almost any field is not going to be enough to get you hired. According to job recruiting expert Bruce Dorskind speaking on, the days of the […]
Google Invests Big in European Newspapers

As the premier search engine in the world, Google always has to be careful that it is as objective as possible when it comes to delivering search results to Internet users. Over the years, Google has been accused of favoring its own programs over others in search results, and nowhere has Google run into more […]
Programmatic Advertising: The New Normal?

Programmatic advertising is more than just automated ad buying processes — it’s also one of the hottest trends going today. This more efficient, granular method for positioning ads in front of the most relevant target audience possible has already proven its value online, and it could revolutionize the way advertisers use TV as well. Let’s […]
How the Digitization of Newspaper Archives is Preserving Local Histories

American history is not only the big picture, it is also the collection of local histories that tell the real stories of where people came from and what communities have accomplished. The growth of a community is cataloged in its history and communities treasure their pasts and develop ways to preserve their place on the […]
What to Know About Apple’s New Mobile Ad-Blocking

Digital publishers will want to know, if they don’t know already, that Apple is poised to release an update to Safari for iOS9 that permits browser-wide ad blocking. If you’re determined to capitalize on the lucrative, ever-growing mobile consumer market, this may understandably seem like an apocalyptic pronouncement — but is it? Let’s examine what […]
This App Might Be a Publisher’s Worst Nightmare

A new app has digital publishers throughout the Internet biting their nails, and not without reason. Eyeo recently announced the beta release of its new version of AdBlock Pro for the Google Android operating system. Let’s examine what this new development might mean for your publication. SEE ALSO: The New Competition for Publishers? Why You […]
Uncover What Your Job Board Could Be With RealMatch [INFOGRAPHIC]

There are all kinds of reasons why many publishers are choosing RealMatch as their recruitment advertising platform. In this infographic, we explore some of the key differences between RealMatch and some of our competitors. Uncover what your job board could be with RealMatch and see what those purple guys aren’t delivering: 1 of a kind: […]
Where the Recruitment Dollars Went: Webinar Recap

The day before the Borrell Associates released its revealing report on local advertising revenue entitled “Local Advertising Hits A Tipping Point,” Gordon Borrell held a webinar. SEE ALSO: The New York Times Launches New Recruitment Advertising Platform The primary drive of the presentation was the notion that digital advertising buying is starting to push […]
Start Planning for 2016 Now

It’s never too early to plan, and seeing as how 2015 has already met it’s halfway point, now is the perfect time to start thinking about success in 2016. In fact, the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) is already planning a conference, set for April of 2016, to help you do just that. The […]
The New York Times Launches New Recruitment Advertising Platform

The New York Times recently announced the launch of T Jobs, its new talent acquisition platform (aka job board) on ”We’re doubling down on our recruitment offerings by investing in this new white-label solution” said Andy Wright, Senior Vice President, Advertising, The New York Times referring to RealMatch’s technology platform. Job Matching Technology T […]
Google News Lab Launches a Trio of Crowd-Sourced Journalism Projects

Google takes a beating in the public opinion arena because it is a large company that controls the flow of a lot of information. When the search giant bought YouTube, many users wondered if Google would constrain the kind of videos that would be accepted and limit what people could see. But when the opposite […]
Newspapers Will Prosper, Says Media Analyst

It is easy for the average person to look at what is going on with digital publishing and predict that printed newspapers will soon be a thing of the past. But to media industry experts like Lorna Tilbian, the newspaper industry has a strong future ahead of it, provided it can adjust to the changes […]
Cablevision Offers to Buy the NY Daily News for a Dollar?!

There has been a rash of newspaper buying lately and we do not mean the papers being purchased at the newsstand. Recently, billionaire Warren Buffett shocked the world when he purchased 63 newspapers from a failing newspaper conglomerate that had seen its stock price drop by around 90 percent in the past four years. And […]
Newspapers’ Digital Audience Keeps Growing

If you thought that the newspaper industry was dying, new data suggests that you’re totally wrong. In fact, according to the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) and comScore, a leading analytics company, newspaper readership has gained ground, and although this data shows a peak in August of 2014, the growing trend of getting news from […]
The Fastest Growing Segment of Digital Newspapers: Young Women

When people start to talk about the notion that print is dead, they have to be careful on how they phrase that statement. The printed word can appear in many formats and lately, the digital format is the most popular. On paper or on screen, the Newspaper Association of America is happy to announce that […]
Tips for Selling Subscriptions in the Digital Market

The riddle of how to monetize your website is a tough one for online magazines and digital content publications to solve. The majority of online readers tend to surf from website to website, reading and engaging with content as it grabs their attention. With the vast plethora of free content available online, it’s becoming more […]
5 Things the Wall Street Journal is Doing, and You Should, Too

The Wall Street Journal is a household name in news for some very good reasons. Small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) that wish to succeed would do well to emulate some of the practices of the most famous financial newspaper in the history of the United States. Here are 5 things that The Wall Street Journal is doing […]
How Can Your Site Take Advantage of World Cup Fever?

The 20th FIFA World Cup is going on right now until July 13 in Brazil, and it’s a huge international event. While the World Cup is receiving more press attention in the US than ever before, it’s still not covered as widely here than in other countries. Stream the BBC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation News, or […]
The Evolution of Digital News, and a Glimpse of Where it’s Headed Next

In 1981 it cost $10 to access The New York Times online just for a day. That access also took two hours to download. Nowadays, most online news is free to access, although some newspapers are charging for subscriptions. Here is an overview of how digital news has evolved and where it could head next. […]
If Warren Buffett Needs Digital for Audience Development, So Should You

Warren Buffett received a lot of attention when he started buying up midsize and local newspapers a couple of years ago, averring, ”Papers delivering comprehensive and reliable information to tightly bound communities and having a sensible Internet strategy will remain viable for a long time.” However, the 2013 annual report from Buffett’s investment firm Berkshire […]
Is Advertising for Publishers Being Ripped Off by Content Thieves?

Content theft is nothing new. People all around the world have found people stealing their great content in an attempt to make more money. However, it has now gone one step further: The content thieves are stealing advertising for publishers. They are actually taking the money earned from the original content, not just the words […]
Why Digital Subscriptions are Key to Your Circulation and Bottom Line

With circulation numbers wildly unpredictable, one surprising trend seems to have emerged in 2012 — circulation increased, and more people got their news via digital subscriptions than in previous years. Paywalls, the catchall term for digital subscriptions, come in different forms. Some newspapers bolt the door on all content without a subscription. Others offer some […]
4 Reasons Why Content is More Important than Platform

As the number of digital platforms has increased, digital news consumption has risen sharply. In fact, the Pew Research 2012 News Media Consumption Survey found that digital news was the only news category that grew in 2012. In 2012, approximately 39% of survey respondents said they got news online or on a mobile device the […]