3 Key Takeaways From the State of Newspaper Advertising

Newspaper ad revenue might not be quite up to speed for overtaking print, but it still contributes an important chunk. Digital readers pay attention, they have a clear, preferred way to consume news, and when they see an ad that they like, they take action. That sounds like a combination for success, and it is. […]
4 Prevailing Themes That Help Shape News Media Today

It’s a veritable rollercoaster for newspaper publishers. News media revenue looks promising but gains can’t happen fast enough. Advertising revenue dips, but new ad revenue possibilities emerge. Anyone could get whiplash from all of the ups, downs, stops and starts of operating a profitable newspaper. What brought us to where we are today? There’s one […]
Newspaper Ads Aren’t the Problem, People Love ‘Em!

Believe it or not, newspaper ads and readers aren’t sworn enemies. People love ads, at least if they’re packaged and delivered the right way. Consider how people flock to watch Super Bowl ads. They talk about them for weeks. Magazines are famously packed with advertising from back to front. And movie trailers, which are beautiful […]
Which Newspaper Ad Revenue Strategies Work?

Few newspaper ads have performed exactly as anyone hoped since the digital transition. The fact that people still talk about digital as if it’s some kind of upstart shows that there’s still a lot of work to do. Small local and major national publishers continue to rely on ads, both digital and print, for the […]
How Programmatic Advertising Works for a Local Newspaper Publisher

A local newspaper publisher doesn’t feel small with a programmatic advertising partner. Some national publisher brands built their own programmatic ad exchanges. And they’re proven to work. But local can also enjoy the revenue benefits of ad campaign optimization. In some ways, programmatic is ideally suited for the local market. Ad sales is arguably one […]
How Native Content Can Help Local and Independent Publishers Engage Readers

For small newspaper publishers, native content is like a catch-22 in reverse. It doesn’t look like an advertisement, so readers keep reading. And because readers tend to enjoy it, native ads generate vital revenue. That’s a big departure from the public’s usual ad-blocking nature. It’s part of the reinvention of newspaper revenue in the 21st […]
Ad Blocking Predicted to Cost U.S. Media Owners $12 Billion by 2020

It’s no wonder that major national newspapers and some dailies are taking a hard stance against readers who use ad blockers. They cost newspapers precious revenue, and the numbers keep getting worse. If the current climate continues, media owners in the U.S. alone could lose a staggering $12 billion by 2020. But users have their […]
How the Right Online Tools Jump Started One Company’s Local Advertising Revenue

In Lancaster, PR, the LNP Media Group, publishers of both an online news site and a local newspaper, maintained a regular recruitment ad section which they felt could use a boost in new client revenue. Classified Advertising Manager Chris Stahl turned to RealMatch for solutions, and account manager Rebecca Jones worked closely with her on […]
How Can Publishers Use Data Analytics to Increase Revenues

Matt Lindsay is an economics expert that has been releasing a series of blog pieces and books that talk about the shift in the publishing industry away from traditional distribution and into something that is more focused on the reader. In a guest blog posted on DataScienceCentral.com, Lindsay suggests that the advertising revenue pie is […]
What Does the Future Hold for Pay for Performance Job Advertising?

Over the past few years, companies have started to ask recruiting websites about pay for performance job ads. In other words, the company only pays for a recruiting ad if it gets some sort of positive response. While the concept can seem fairly easy, it is actually a loaded question that has several layers that […]
How to Get Visitors to Spend More Time with Your Native Ads

Native ads are those ads that are not as intrusive as banner and link ads, and they are supposed to add value for the reader. Whether or not native ads enhance the reading experience for the user is up for debate, but The Atlantic has learned that good native advertising can definitely increase revenue. According […]
How Will Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages Affect the News Industry?

When Apple and Facebook decided to get into the news distribution business, the move signaled the beginning of the end for the ability of publishers to determine how their content is delivered to customers. On the one hand, social media platforms delivering news stories can affect just how much revenue the publishers can generate, and […]
Why Local Publishers Top National Newspapers for Advertisers

If advertising is a game of numbers, then it would make sense that national newspaper advertising would hold more clout than local or regional advertising. But as The Guardian points out, everything is not always what it seems. Apparently, nearly 50 percent of people who read local, regional and national newspapers are more inclined to […]
How Can Virtual Reality Save Print Media?

It’s becoming apparent that one of the things that separate the music industry from the print industry is that the print industry is learning how to utilize technology to grow revenue, while the music industry continues to fight technology in an attempt to hold onto revenue streams that are rapidly disappearing. When it comes to […]
Why Audience Data is Becoming an Even Hotter Property

For better or for worse, selling ad space is no longer the primary way to go in the age of mobile devices and real-time marketing data. If you’re looking for new ways to energize profits for your publication’s online presence, then maybe it’s time you leveraged something even more desirable to advertisers — the precious […]
Are People Seeing Your Digital Ads?

As a publisher, advertising represents a significant and growing portion of your revenue. Ideally, digital advertising can help online publishers quickly monetize online publications or companion sites. But there is more to making an ongoing profit from advertising than selling space and keeping your readership numbers up. A recent study released by Google suggest that […]
4 Tips for Making the Most of Your Mobile App

By now, most publishers have an app they use to interact with their customer base and drive mobile advertising revenue. But are you getting the most interaction you can with your app? There are a few ways you can not only get your app loaded onto more smartphones and tablets, but also increase interaction with […]
3 Audience Engagement Questions to Answer When Striving for Digital Dominance

According to the Shareaholic blog, if you want to increase audience engagement, then you have to care more about your audience. That seems pretty basic, but it is not as simple as it sounds. As many online publishers are finding out, understanding a digital audience is a complicated and difficult task. More people are switching […]
Why Publishers LOVE Real-Time Data

The time-honored phrase “get real” has taken on a new, urgent meaning in the world of digital publishing and marketing. Real-time data has become the Holy Grail for publishers and advertisers alike, although many publishers finding the pursuit of these treasured numbers an uphill battle. Let’s take a quick look at the value, benefits and […]
What to Know About Apple’s New Mobile Ad-Blocking

Digital publishers will want to know, if they don’t know already, that Apple is poised to release an update to Safari for iOS9 that permits browser-wide ad blocking. If you’re determined to capitalize on the lucrative, ever-growing mobile consumer market, this may understandably seem like an apocalyptic pronouncement — but is it? Let’s examine what […]
This App Might Be a Publisher’s Worst Nightmare

A new app has digital publishers throughout the Internet biting their nails, and not without reason. Eyeo recently announced the beta release of its new version of AdBlock Pro for the Google Android operating system. Let’s examine what this new development might mean for your publication. SEE ALSO: The New Competition for Publishers? Why You […]
How to Use Recruitment Marketing to Improve Your Job Descriptions

What is Recruitment Marketing? One of the new phrases making the rounds in the online job board industry is something called recruitment marketing. Recruitment marketing is a blend of career recruiting and the marketing elements companies use to attract customers. While recruiting and marketing sound like two completely different things to most people, the truth […]
4 Ways Employers Use Job Boards for Brand Management

Job boards are just for employers to post position openings, right? Wrong! Employers can also use job boards for brand management. A brand is an employer’s visual identity that makes a business recognizable and leaves a lasting impression on potential employees. Branding is important because it helps employers stand out from the crowd. SEE ALSO: […]
4 Tips for Making Your B2B Content Engaging

Improved reader loyalty and engagement should stand near the top of any trade publisher’s wish list, as they do for some 88 percent of content marketers polled. If you’re catering to a B2B audience, how do you grab their attention and keep it? Here are four tips for boosting your engagement factor. SEE ALSO: Audience […]
Magazine Publisher Rodale Partners With Chef’d.com

If there truly is strength in numbers, two online companies just got stronger. Rodale, the self-described “world’s leading healthy lifestyle media company” recently announced that it’s entered into a creative partnership with gourmet meal service Chef’d to feature the latter’s meal plans and a la carte gourmet meal kits in a variety of health-oriented trade […]
The Publisher’s Guide to Programmatic Advertising [Infographic]

RTB and programmatic are taking over the digital ad industry. It is estimated that 90% of U.S advertising will be bought programmatically by 2017. Programmatic advertising allows publishers to unlock the value of underutilized inventory by optimizing CPMs and targeting. It may be a few years before real-time, cross-channel targeting and optimization become the norm, […]
Do You Have a Black Friday Strategy Yet?

Black Friday prep: It’s a tradition that’s as essential to the American Thanksgiving Day as turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. Once everyone has been fed and the sports games have been enjoyed, families crowd around huge sheaves of advertisements to plan out their Friday shopping expeditions. Which stores are open when? Who has the best […]
How the FCC Net Neutrality Ruling Can Hurt Advertising for Publishers

Digital marketers know that their websites will receive superior Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranking based on a number of factors. One of these factors is affected by the recent FCC ruling on net neutrality. What Is Bounce Rate? The bounce rate is a metric that measures the percentage of website visitors who navigate away […]
Opt-in Print Advertising: What’s Working Now and Why

Although print advertising is on the decline, some publications have managed to find creative ways to generate additional revenue. One of the ways that they do that is with opt-in advertising. Opt-in advertising, in case you are unfamiliar with the concept, is a form advertising in which the recipient of the ad has specifically requested […]
Native Advertising for Publishers Is Mainstream: Make the Most of It

Native advertising is becoming more and more accepted in content. In fact, it’s becoming expected by many. People are turning away from traditional online advertising for publishers, so content marketers and business owners need to find better ways to make ad revenue from their content. You need to make the most of your native advertising, […]