The Top 7 Habits and Skills of a Good Recruiter

The best recruiters understand their habits and skills are just as important as postsecondary degrees and a professional network. Take an informal poll of the top recruiters and you’ll find the cream of the crop has a comprehensive skill set and carefully honed ways that are essential to success in this competitive industry. Here’s a […]
Strategies to Find Employees For Your Small Business

Are you looking for ways to find and hire great employees for your small business? First off, you are a small business owner, congratulations! Owning a small business takes a lot of dedication, effort, and work. After establishing your business, perhaps you are at the point where you could use some extra help. Adding a […]
The Pros and Cons of Using Pre-Employment Assessments

With the number of organizations choosing to mass hire increasing rapidly, things can get overwhelming for HR teams. The average time it takes for a recruiter to screen a resume is around 6-7 seconds each. While that seems quick if thousands of resumes are coming in regularly that task can take up a lot of […]
4 Ways to Change Your HR Strategy in 2020

It might still feel like there’s a lot of 2019 left, but the reality is that it’s going to move fast—and before you know it, it’ll be time to put your 2020 strategies into motion. There’s no question that 2020 will be a big year in HR. Tech and strategies are evolving quicker than ever. […]
Setting Up Your Recruitment Budget for Seasonal Hiring

Thanksgiving and Black Friday used to mark the starting line for the retail seasonal rush. But over the past few years, holiday buying has seen a shift—retail stores and buyers alike seem to nudge that line earlier in the calendar each year. That means for retail, the competition for seasonal hiring may start earlier. Large […]
What is On-Demand Recruiting?

As an HR professional, you live and breathe at the vanguard of change and new trends in the work world, and have undoubtedly felt the seismic shifts in how people work and approach the concept of employment in recent years. In fact, if you’ve been in the business long enough, your job today may barely […]
5 Steps to Writing Better Job Posts

If you’re looking to step up your recruiting game, it might surprise you that one of the most effective ways to boost your outreach is also one of the simplest: writing a better job description. It’s a step that doesn’t require a huge amount of resources or time, but it can help ensure that you’re […]
Here’s Why The Biggest Job Ad Sites Aren’t Always The Best For Your Recruitment

Recruiting isn’t one-size-fits-all. Yet, most employers use this approach when they post all their jobs on one of the big job advertising sites. These sites (like Monster, Glassdoor, Indeed or LinkedIn) each have a substantive reputation and can get you a lot of visibility for your job openings—they just don’t work for every type of […]
Why Centralizing Your Recruitment Will Be A Better Use Of Your Spend

Talent Sourcing involves a multi-pronged approach, from developing alumni pipelines to targeted internet job ads. No matter your approach, the best sourcing strategy can come through centralized recruitment with a core team keyed into the process. Centralizing the recruiting process involves creating a dedicated hiring team that works with hiring managers and candidates alike through […]
The Pros Of Using AI In Your Recruiting Process [Infographic]
There will always be a need for human intervention when it comes to recruiting, but why not get a little help from technology? AI can help make your recruitment process less grueling and more effective for you and your team. But how? We’ve created this simple infographic depicting just exactly what an AI-enabled job advertising […]
The Path to Improving your Time to Hire KPI

There are a ton of factors that affects your hiring and hiring speed. While you can’t change the location of your latest job vacancy or control external factors that affect the overall hiring market, you can improve the efficiency and speed with which your talent acquisition team finds and hires the right candidates. The key […]
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Post Jobs Manually

In your role as a talent manager, your goal is likely to hire high-quality talent ideal for your open positions as quickly and efficiently as possible. The key to this task is to conserve your time and spending, which is hard to do when you want to reach the perfect candidates at their preferred spaces […]
How To Be More Productive As A Recruiter

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: It’s not about recruiting more, it’s about recruiting right. Sure, that’s all well and good as a philosophy, but it doesn’t offer much in the way of guidance. If you’re looking to increase your productivity and efficiency as a recruiter, there are some easy strategies you can […]
The Pros of Using AI in the Recruiting Process

It’s no secret that we’re big believers in the power of AI when it comes to recruiting and hiring the best talent. If you have amazing, organization-changing powers at your disposal, why not use them to make your hiring decisions and processes smarter, better, and more efficient for all involved? Your resources are precious, and […]
How Your Staffing Agency Can Thrive and Close More Deals

You can promise excellent customer service and faster results, but the best way to really sell your staffing agency’s value is by actually delivering these results and building trust over time. Having data to provide to HR managers that backs up your sales pitch can help. After all, chances are the competition is promising the […]
How AI Uplevels the Staffing Agency Process

How AI Uplevels the Staffing Agency Process Everywhere you look, you’ll see the word artificial intelligence (AI). We are amidst a technological revolution with AI as the driving force. Its impact is significant across the talent acquisition landscape, particularly for a staffing agency. These advancements in AI have empowered hiring agencies to connect more easily […]
How to Prepare for the Upcoming Healthcare Talent Shortage

As the Baby Boom generation enters retirement age, recruiters will have a lot of vacancies to fill. This is particularly poignant in the healthcare industry, where the retiring Boomers will also require increased medical care as they age, vastly expanding the demand for healthcare services. Talent acquisition is already facing the squeeze of the talent […]
Why Big Data Should Be Part Of Your Healthcare Recruitment Suite

So much of the healthcare industry is based on absolutes and exact science. Why not apply similar principles to recruiting, too? Analytics have cropped up as a vital tool for marketing departments and businesses to gauge their website traffic and better learn how to promote their brands—and talent acquisition teams can also hop on board […]
How Automation Can Change Your Recruitment of Healthcare Specialists

What is automation in HR, exactly? It can sound like companies are trying to take the “human” out of human resources. But really, automation is about finding an efficient way to help HR teams navigate the ever-changing platforms and technologies across the internet to find the best candidates for hire as efficiently as possible. In […]
Why Healthcare Recruiters Need AI to Find Passive Candidates

It’s no secret that in healthcare recruiting, one of the biggest challenges is finding the best talent in an ever-changing field. The healthcare industry is heading toward a serious talent gap in the coming years. By 2030, the Association of American Medical Colleges predicts that there will be a deficit of more than 100,000 doctors. […]
How AI Will Make Healthcare Sourcing Strategic

The healthcare industry is predicted to be one of the fasting growing industries over the next decade, and HR professionals are already facing the strain of finding quality candidates to fill open positions, from nursing staff to hospital administrators. With this growing demand, HR teams need to increase efficiency where they can—and the first step […]
How Programmatic Can Help Staffing Agencies Deliver Results

Staffing agencies manage numerous job ads, in a variety of industries, with vastly different organizational hiring needs. It’s not just that a staffing agency has a lot of jobs to post; it’s that each of those job types requires a different strategy in order to optimize results. Your average truck driver searches for jobs differently […]
How Staffing Agencies Can Build A Stronger Client Network

As a hiring and staffing professional, you’re well aware that your results are your bottom line—your success depends on your ability to effectively place the right individuals with the right employment opportunities. But are you doing absolutely everything you can to ensure that you’re getting the best results? If you’re unsure, or just want to […]
Five Recruiting Mistakes You’re Making Right Now

No matter how tight your hiring strategy is for the year, there’s always the potential for recruiting mistakes or unforeseen challenges. And there is always room for improvement. Let’s look at some of the most common recruiting mistakes, and how to deal. 1. Not Having A Deep Social Recruiting Strategy Social media tends to feel […]
How Technology Can Help With High Volume Hiring

Whether opening a new office location or expanding for a busy season, companies that aim for high volume hiring face a vast undertaking. One organization may be hiring dozens over the course of a few months, while another could be hiring more than 100 employees within a year—and larger organizations may even set out to […]
8 Ways to Retain Your Best Employees

Job dissatisfaction can happen for many reasons, whether an employee feels undervalued, or they don’t get along with their boss, or they feel a general lack of purpose in their position. When the job market is thriving and opportunities open up, what will prevent your best employees from jumping ship? There are a few practical […]
Using Recruitment Advertising To Recruit And Retain Top Talent

Recruitment advertising is a proactive talent acquisition strategy to market your organization to potential job candidates and build a talent pipeline. The main idea is that you lay the groundwork to cull talent and develop connections, as well as promote your organization’s brand—even before you have an open position. Then, when you need to hire, […]
All You Need To Know About Creating Successful Job Posts

Today’s recruitment game is tougher than ever before—in addition to stiff competition for key talent with everyone from lean startups to giant multinational companies with global operations, grabbing the attention of job seekers amidst a labyrinth of endless job search and corporate websites is no easy feat. But that doesn’t make achieving your recruiting goals […]
5 Ways To Improve Healthcare Hiring

As one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing industries, healthcare is presenting a unique set of recruiting challenges (and opportunities!) for organizations looking to ramp up their hiring. Let’s look at a few ways you can ramp up your healthcare hiring practices. 1. Embrace Diversity Virtually all industries are looking to improve the diversity of […]
The Biggest Challenges In Retail Recruiting (And How To Tackle Them)

Retail is one of the most volatile, fast-paced industries out there. Organizations need to be able to adapt to changing technology, changing customer bases, and changing seasons. Recruiting against these elements can be a major task. Let’s look at some of the biggest challenges inherent in retail recruiting and how to deal with them head-on. […]
Why Talent Acquisition Needs AI To Yield The Best Results

The data available to talent acquisition teams is immense—so much so that it’s often too much to process. From past recruitment marketing campaign successes to data on the most successful hires, there are patterns to be replicated to help ensure future success. But how do you detect those patterns, or collect the data to produce […]
3 Ways To Build A Superstar Employer Brand On A Budget

As an HR professional, you’re well aware of how important it is to maintain a talent-rich pipeline of passive and active candidates in your industry for the range of positions you’re responsible for hiring for at your company. After all, your team’s performance is likely tied to an array of key performance metrics that clearly […]
Seven Soft Skills All Hiring Managers Need

For most jobs, whether you’re hiring a marketing director or a software engineer, the experience and skills specifically necessary for a position are categorized as “hard skills”—while it is the additional “soft skills” a candidate possesses that often make them stand out in an interview and have lasting success at an organization. For hiring managers, […]
How to write a good job description

A great job description will save you time if you effectively communicate the nature of the job. The result? Better applicants to choose! Aside from your organization’s overall brand, the job description is the first piece of communication you have with prospective hires. Let it work for you. 9 tips for writing an effective job […]
Using HR Data for strategic insights

Predicting the successful candidate for your next hire means looking at a number of factors over the life cycle of the position—from the candidate’s initial search to the reason they will eventually leave the job down the road. The question is: how can you predict the best way to source high-quality talent and retain that […]
5 Benefits Of A Data-Driven Recruitment Strategy

So many aspects of your recruitment strategy are now digitized, which streamlines the application process for job seekers and organizations alike-you just upload a file and click a button. But the potential benefits of all this digitized data are so much more than just collecting resumes without drowning in paper. Digitizing this information means you […]
4 Recruitment Strategies That Will Boost Your Hiring

The practice of talent acquisition is often thought of as a competition-a sport that takes place on a big field where companies compete to get the best quality candidates. But even though speed is important in hiring, the process in its entirety is less like a sprint and more like a marathon. A good talent […]