10 Words Recruiters are Tired of Seeing on Resumes

The catchphrases and outdated buzzwords in resumes today are enough to send HR recruiters straight to the migraine zone. What is it about this commonplace document that makes job seekers haul out the War and Peace volume of corporate-speak? The job market hasn’t been especially great for the past several years, so maybe descriptors […]
Millennials Say Yes, Ethics Matter in a Career

Do ethics matter in business? For some people, ethical standards are necessarily lowered in business because they’re willing to do what it takes to make a dollar. In fact, this is even more true of subordinates who have been given a specific task by the boss. However, for others, ethics play a major role in […]
How Tapping Into The Candidate Experience Can Boost Your Hiring

While there’s no doubt that technology has made the recruiting process better in many ways for employers and job seekers, it has also caused a serious disconnect in the candidate experience. The oft-quoted Spider-man movie line, “with great power comes great responsibility”, certainly rings true here. Just because you have the technology to create a […]
Local or Vertical: How Should I Brand My Job Board?

In November 2015, RealMatch hosted a webinar with The Job Board Doctor called ‘Use Brand to Generate Job Board Revenue‘. Throughout the webinar, attendees asked numerous questions about how to best drive revenue by building or developing their job board brand. I chatted with RealMatch Product Marketing Director Bart Bartolozzi following the webinar to see […]
Healthcare Recruitment Trends in 2016 [Infographic]

It is a good time to be healthcare professional. Our 2016 Healthcare Recruitment Trends in 2016 & Beyond infographic below shows this industry is in the midst of some serious growth, both for job seekers, employers, and just about every else along the hiring chain in the healthcare industry. While there may a lot of […]
5 Recruiting Blogs You Need To Read

Recruiting is a constantly changing and evolving industry. Depending on the size and structure of a company, a recruiter needs to meet the needs of current employees, C-Suite, potential hires, IT, marketing, and many more stakeholders. As the often mis-cited saying goes, ”your company is only as good as your best employees”, and most of […]
January 2016 Jobs Report

Generally speaking, the January jobs report is good news. The US economy continued to add jobs and wages went up slightly. These indicate that the economy is continuing to grow, however that growth may be slowing. While there are several indicators that suggest the economy might be slowing, the general feel is that the US […]
How to Become a World-Class Recruiter

Recruiting is a huge piece of the puzzle when it comes to running a successful business, but failing to implement best practices in even a few of the steps required to be an all-star recruiter can lead to serious problems. For starters, hiring the wrong candidate can mean productivity issues, concerns when dealing with clients, […]
How to Use Social Media to Turn Job Seekers Into Applicants

Social media is a way for companies to put messages out to millions of prospective job candidates to find that one who fits the job description perfectly. While most recruiters use social media as a way to enhance their recruiting efforts, there are powerful ways to use social media to find your next employee and […]
Why More Employers May Be Hiring More Ex-Cons in 2016

According to NBC News, up to 75 percent of ex-convicts cannot find jobs within their first year of being released from prison. Despite doing their time for their crime, many ex-convicts are finding that companies are unwilling to offer the kind of employment that could lead to a better life and a life away from […]
Why Millennials are Loving Start-Ups More and Traditional Companies Less

It’s little wonder that millennials are attracted to the cutting edge, fast-paced, and exciting world of start-up companies. Indeed, the Venn diagram comprising of ‘millennials’ and ‘start-ups’ circles would certainly overlap pretty closely. They’re both trendy, ahead of the curve, open and adaptive to change, and contain just a dash of naive optimism. Yet the […]
How is the Gig Economy Faring?

When people see service websites such as Uber or auction websites such as eBay, the assumption is that someone is using those services to make a lot of money. Many people are even starting to assume that the gig economy, the money derived from taking per-call work on a website, is going to be the […]
Does Your Employer Brand Need Less Secret Identity and More Superhero?

In classic superhero tales, the protagonist is typically someone who wants to avoid the limelight. In doing so, the hero will usually don a secret identity to avoid suspicion, and this identity is often the complete opposite of who the hero is when he or she is fighting crime. In business, and especially in representing […]
How 2015 Shaped the Job Board Industry

Now that 2015 is in our rear view mirror, we can take a look back at the trends that shaped the year and try to anticipate how those trends will affect the future. Job boards definitely had a difficult time keeping up with changes in 2015, as it proved to be a very dynamic year […]
Why Overqualified Candidates Might Be a Myth

The idea that overqualified candidates make terrible employees has been around as long as the coffee break. The idea of not hiring overqualified candidates is not without merit, as the Harvard Business Review indicates that a study by Israeli scientists found that overqualified workers do tend to be more miserable with their jobs and quit […]
What Does Your Company Stand for?

Is there a reason for your company to stand for something to be effective? According to Jeff Dickey-Chasins, your company cannot establish a brand unless it has a purpose. A company that has a clear-cut definition of what it is and what it does can carve a well-defined path towards success. What about your job […]
Why Inefficient Hiring is Holding You Back

In 2006, Indeed.com announced that it was debuting the first pay-per-click job recruiting program that allowed employers to create targeted ads to reach very specific types of candidates. The initial draw of these programs is that they were designed to make online recruiting more efficient. Over the years, pay-per-click recruiting advertising has proven to be […]
Seasonal Trends Show How Hiring Happens on the Calendar

A new year doesn’t necessarily mean new hires — at least not right away. As the job market peaks and declines dynamically over the course of the year, it’s important for job board owners to understand how and where hiring and quitting patterns intersect. If you want to learn how these cycles affect your enterprise […]
How to Find More Passive Job Candidates

When it comes to recruiting, you’re likely seeking active candidates or candidates who are currently pursuing employment with your company. Although recruiting is never easy, it can be easier when put in this position. Active candidates are often seeking out your specific ad efforts, meaning your company is in a more advantageous position. Passive candidates, […]
How Subpar Job Postings are Sabotaging Your Recruiting

As the world transitions from print to digital platforms, everyone has to start altering the way they do things in order to get the right results. Before the Internet, recruiters could put out general job descriptions because there were a lot more general practitioners than specialists. But things have changed, and recruiters now need to […]
How to Combat Significant Change in The Recruiting Landscape

Recruiting for jobs may seem simple right now, especially with the economic climate remaining somewhat dismal. Simply put a job offer up online and watch recruits and candidates pour in, right? Actually, this strategy has been somewhat helpful over the past decade, but it isn’t working nearly as well these days. Yes, the economy as […]
How the Improving Economy is Making Hiring Harder

For workers, a growing economy means better jobs and the ability to choose between quality jobs to find that next career move. For companies, a growing economy means more revenue and more opportunities to grow. But a growing economy also means that there are less qualified workers looking for jobs, and the lack of quality […]
How Recruiting is Changing in 2016 and Beyond

The recruitment industry and associated in-house human resources equivalents are always changing, and as 2016 arrives, evolution is sure to take place. The Internet has changed so much about the recruitment process, so whether you work for an outside company that specializes solely in recruiting or you’re a human resources professional tasked with finding the […]
Why the Online Recruiting Marketplace is Surging

Not too long ago, companies used online recruiting as a sort of way to reinforce the results they were getting with print advertising and other standard recruiting practices that had been used for decades. But all of that is changing and the online recruiting marketplace is surging to a position of dominance. According to RealMatch.com, […]
Why Social Platforms Will Play an Even Bigger Role for Recruiters in 2016

When social media networks first debuted, companies and recruiters viewed them as places where people posted cat pictures and looked up new recipes. But as time has gone by, social media has threatened to completely change the Internet. As 2016 approaches, recruiters need to respect the significantly increasing role that social media will play in […]
Why Quality of Hire is The One Metric to Rule Them All

Recruiting professionals and job boards are constantly looking for ways to quantify their work so that others can understand their effectiveness. The best way to measure effectiveness is to create a metric, and the metric that has shot to the top of everyone’s list is the quality of hire metric. Recruiters and job boards have […]
How Your Hiring Process Reflects Your Company Culture

With the pool of available employment candidates shrinking, it is more important than ever that companies understand the importance of a good interview process. When you are interviewing a candidate, you need to impress the candidate as much as they need to impress you. The process you use to bring in new talent can be […]
5 Trends and Challenges Ahead for Recruiters in 2016

As 2015 starts coming to a close, recruiters and candidates are analyzing the trends that they can expect to see in 2016. Recruiters always want to be ahead of the curve when it comes to matching the right candidate with the right opportunity, and candidates are always interested to see whether or not they are […]
The Future for Recruiters? Data and Social

It was not that long ago that a finely tuned resume was the best way for a candidate to get the interview they wanted. When the Internet came along, it was treated as an enhancement to the traditional process. As Internet technology developed, recruiters started to see the value in being able to sift through […]
Why Employer Branding will Matter More Than Ever in 2016

According to LinkedIn’s Global Recruiting Trends report, employer branding has made a comeback as a top priority of employers. An average of 59 percent of the world’s employers are boosting their investment in brand creation and management (in the U.S., the number is 62 percent), so it looks like 2016 will be the “Year of […]
3 Recruiting Trends in 2016

Recruiting is heating up as the economy shows signs of strengthening, but are you ready? Is your company ready? If not, check out the following 3 recruiting trends picking up steam in 2016: 1. The Candidate Experience Like it or not, candidates are now able to talk about their recruiting experiences right away. Sites like […]
Why Job Candidates are Attracted to Companies with a Mission

When looking for a career position, what would you place as most important? Salary? Title? Growth potential? Obviously, all of these things are important, but these days, job candidates are seeking out companies that not only have mission statements, but also companies that live out their mission statements. It’s easy enough to make up a […]
The San Francisco 49ers Offer a Lesson in Engaging Millennials

When you see the term “recruitment” in association with professional football, you probably assume that it has something to do with the college draft or pre-season team member selection. At the very least, you wouldn’t automatically assume that it has anything to do with your own job recruitment site. But a recent TalentCulture story concerning […]
It’s Not Easy Being the Office Bad Guy, But It Can Be Made Easier

Delivering bad news is no fun in any situation, but when you’re the person tasked with delivering bad news in the workplace, it can be more uncomfortable. The truth is, however, that bad news is a part of life, and if you’re the professional who has to break such news, you may find yourself in […]
How to Create Job Ads That Lure a Multi-Generational Workforce

Every so often the workplace gets into a transitional period that sees one dominant generation give way to the next dominant generation. As the Baby Boomers edge closer to retirement, the Millennials are starting to take over management spots and leading the way as entrepreneurs. Stuck right in the middle is Generation X, which is […]
How to Attract Millennials to Your Company

The millennial generation is unlike any previous generation when it comes to hiring. Millennials, often considered to be people born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s, have grown up in an era where technology has become a part of virtually everything they do. From computers to smartphones and apps to search engines, millennial […]
7 Ways to Handle a Difficult Employee

In a perfect world, the workplace would consist of individuals working symbiotically toward a common goal. In the real world, the fact is that you will end up with a difficult employee. While learning to deal with difficult people may not be at the top of your “to do” list as a hiring manager, it […]
5 Reasons Employers Shouldn’t Pay to Post

Job seekers and employers alike have turned the Internet into a one-stop shop for employment these days, and while job boards have many benefits, they also have many downsides. When employers open positions, job seekers can apply by the dozens, the hundreds, or even the thousands. This leads to productivity issues for employers and many […]
How Much Does a New Hire Cost?

Hiring a new employee can be an amazing experience, but it can also be costly. With each new hire, you’re bringing someone onboard who may be with you for the next few decades, but this person may also cost your company thousands of dollars in the short-term in costs that include insurance, unemployment, training, and […]
The Cost of Hiring the Wrong Candidate

You probably already know that hiring the right people for your business is crucial to getting the job done, but did you know that hiring the wrong candidate can be detrimental in ways other than day-to-day operations? A bad hire can not only cause a loss in productivity, but he or she can also lead […]
Can You Change Your Company’s Corporate Culture?

A lot of business owners and recruiters like to throw around the words “company culture”, but many have no idea what company culture really is. Defining a corporate culture involves a number of factors, including attitudes, behaviors, philosophies, and values. Essentially, your company’s culture reaches and extends into all of the intangible aspects of your […]
4 Ways for Recruiters to Make an Impact at ‘Hello’

While most job prospecting focusing on the job seeker, there needs to be a significant amount of focus placed on recruiters. Recruiters are the first line of contact that job seekers have with potential employers, and these interactions can make a serious difference in whether or not a job seeker gets hired, but also whether […]
Top 4 Interviewing Red Flags for Employers

Interviewing candidates for a position in your company can be fun, it can be a nightmare, or it could be just plain boring. Unfortunately, when it becomes boring, it can be easy to miss some serious red flags that the candidate is displaying. When this happens, you may end up hiring someone who is not […]
How HR Can Get the Most Out of Social Media

Approximately 74 percent of internet-using adults utilize social media, according to the Pew Internet Project. While many people think of social media as changing the landscape for the job hunter, it offers equally transformational potential for human resources professionals. Read on to learn how to optimize your social media interactions. SEE ALSO: How Employers Can […]
6 Great Interview Questions Employers Should Ask

The average interview last 40 minutes, according to a Forbes article. Do you really want to spend that time on useless, trivial or misleading information? Here are six great interview questions to keep in your holster for your next interview. 1. If you could restart your career knowing now what you didn’t know then, would […]