How Technology Can Help With High Volume Hiring

Whether opening a new office location or expanding for a busy season, companies that aim for high volume hiring face a vast undertaking. One organization may be hiring dozens over the course of a few months, while another could be hiring more than 100 employees within a year—and larger organizations may even set out to […]
5 Things College Graduates Look for in Employers

It’s common to wonder what employers are looking for in their entry-level employees. Employers want capable candidates with potential leadership skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving abilities and preferences for a collaborative work environment. That’s a tall order and HR teams work tirelessly to recruit recent college graduates that fit these expectations. But hiring isn’t […]
4 Candidate Experience Tasks You Should Automate Today

With the candidate experience at the forefront of more HR decision-makers’ minds, talent managers and recruiters are looking for more innovative ways to improve each step of the application process, improve their talent funnel, and attract the highest caliber of talent to their ranks. For time-pressed recruiters and hiring managers, programmatic is going to be […]
What Talent Acquisition Needs to Know About the Gig Economy

About three decades ago, freelancers and independent contractors made up only a small fraction of the American workforce. While the Bureau of Labor Statistics struggles to count precisely how many Americans work in what’s called the “gig economy,” a 2017 study by global freelancing platform, Upwork estimates that currently, 57.3 Americans engage in some kind […]
These Trends in Talent Acquisition Will Change Everything

With so many trends in talent acquisition, how can you know which ones deserve your attention and which might waste your time? It’s easier than you think. New processes and technologies that make your life easier while getting better results with the least amount of budgetary waste should rise to the top. That’s what’s happening […]
HR Budget Season is Coming: Get More or Get Left in the Dust

How do you view HR? Are you the department that fills open positions and ensures compliance with state and federal regulations? Or are you one of the critical driving forces behind the success of every team, every department and the company as a whole? Related: Can Better HR Technology Really Improve the Company’s Bottom Line? […]
October Jobs Report: The US Economy Added 261,000 Jobs

According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate dropped to 4.1%, the lowest in 17 years. The economy also added 261,000 jobs. Job gains occurred in professional and business services, manufacturing, health care, and food services. Here are some of the highlights for the month of October. BROAD OVERVIEW […]
3 Ways HR Talent Management Can Shape the Future Workforce

You’re not the only one bemoaning the lack of qualified job candidates. It’s happening in every industry and keeps getting worse. But what would you give for one great idea that could shape the future for the better? RELATED: Employee Skills Shortage Could be a Bigger Problem in 2018 HR talent management professionals have an […]
Employee Skills Shortage Could be a Bigger Problem in 2018

It’s no secret that great job candidates are few and far between these days. Employment is up, unemployment is down, and just like two days before prom, most people are already accounted for. But HR and many employers share another growing concern besides a thinning talent pool. There’s a skills shortage, they say, even among […]
What the Talent Acquisition Pipeline of the Future Might Look Like

With the rise of the gig economy and unemployment progressively lower, casting a line into the same pool of candidates can yield disappointing talent acquisition results. Diversifying where you source, how you retain and who you hire are becoming requirements for recruiters and human resources, especially as the market continues adding more new jobs. Younger […]
Develop a Mentoring Talent Strategy that Brings Seasoned Pros and New Stars Together

As more of the Baby Boomer generation moves toward retirement, carefully honed skill sets become an increasingly rare commodity for employers. Fresh, new job candidates enter the workforce every day, but what they have in enthusiasm, they lack in experience. There’s a skills gap that’s widening as more people retire, but a mentoring program might […]
Are You Overlooking a Job Candidate Goldmine?

If you look for talent acquisition gold in a tapped out stream, you’ll come up with a pan full of sand. But if you stake another claim upstream, you might find some bright, shiny prospects. There’s a gold mine of talented people just waiting to be discovered. Problem is, most of them are overlooked for all […]
Why Happy Employees are Your Best Talent Acquisition Tool

About one-third of new employees quit before they reach their six-month anniversary. One-third of them knew they’d leave within the first week. On the flip side, TLNT Talent Management & HR says employees referred by someone already on board are more likely than anyone else to stay on the job long term. RELATED: A Competitor’s […]
These Talent Acquisition Metrics Get the C Suite’s Attention

The C suite might not care about application completion rates, time to hire, and other metrics that make the human resources world go round. You use them. They belong in HR. But company executives might have a different idea about what matters most of all. RELATED: 3 Ways Big Data Can Improve Critical Hiring KPIs […]
Don’t Let Unhappy Employees Kill Your Brand

Do you know how satisfied and engaged your employees really are? People who stay with the same company longer than two or three years are becoming the exception, not the rule. And in such a competitive hiring climate, you can bet your competition has their sights set on your best and brightest. Happy employees are […]
A Competitor’s Loss is Your Talent Sourcing Gain

You probably take care of your employees, but not every company has the same philosophy. Some of them haven’t gotten the memo about this being a job seeker’s market and some have their priorities elsewhere. But for whatever the reason, a competitor’s loss is your talent sourcing gain if you think of it as an […]
What’s the Number One Emerging Hiring Metric for 2018?

What’s the top emerging hiring key performance indicator for 2018? It’s a trick question. According to an array of talent industry professionals, the most important KPI is one that, when improved, has the most power to affect business in a positive way. RELATED: These Talent Acquisition Metrics Get the C Suite’s Attention For you, the […]
September 2017 Jobs Report

According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate in September dipped to 4.2 percent. This is 0.2 percent lower than the unemployment rate in August and 0.1 percent lower than the unemployment rate in July. The number of jobs created fell by 33,000 after adding an average of 172,000 […]
August 2017 Jobs Report

According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate in August, at 4.4 percent, saw little change from 4.3 percent in July. The number of jobs created fell from 209,000 in July to 156,000 in August. Employment increased in manufacturing, construction, professional and technical services, health care, and mining. Here […]
5 Ways Recruiters Source Better with Fewer in the Candidate Pool

The U.S. Department of Labor‘s July 2017 jobs report showed unemployment at a steady 4.3 percent. With over 200,000 new jobs created and nearly everyone who wants one already working, pickings are awfully slim. What’s in your talent acquisition bag of tricks when times are tough? With so few applicants on the market and more […]
Top 5 Hard-to-Fill Jobs for 2017 and How to Shift the Odds

This year has seen rising employment numbers and an improving economy, both of which make a recruiter’s job more challenging than usual. It’s a job seeker’s market. In many ways, the current hiring climate favors almost everyone except the recruiter and employer. Passive candidates also have an edge. For jobs that are increasingly harder to […]
Talent Acquisition Can Learn a Lot From Good Old-Fashioned Values

There’s no getting around it. If you don’t show candidates a little love, there’s no reason for them to pick up the phone or stick around long enough to be a viable lead. Talent acquisition needs a boost of good old-fashioned values. And that can work in your favor as well make candidates feel like […]
Can Hiring Tech Automation Make You a Better Human?

It’s not as ironic as it sounds at first blush. While some people believe certain technology interferes with the human connection and may even threaten jobs, technology can complement your work. It can also improve the all-important candidate experience. In a full employment economy, that’s a win-win situation. If that’s surprising, count yourself in good […]
Job Candidates Talk: How Talent Acquisition Skills Hurt or Help Your Brand

Ready for an eye-opener? A whopping 74 percent of people who already have a job are open to something new and better. That’s according to the 2016 Jobvite Job Seeker Nation study. But there’s a caveat: the skills you have as a talent acquisition pro can make or break your chances of landing the candidates […]
4 Ways HR Drops the Ball on What Matters Most to Job Candidates

Job candidates have always had their own set of pain points about the hiring process. In a full employment economy, wise is the HR department that listens; sorry is the team that doesn’t. Fortunately, for every way that human resources can drop the ball, there are remedies to prevent it or help you recover quickly. […]
July 2017 Jobs Report

The month of July saw little change in employment and unemployment rates. According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, employment increased by 209,000 new jobs and the unemployment rate fell to 4.3 percent. Employment decreased by 220,000 new jobs in June and the unemployment rate hardly changed from 4.4 percent in June and 4.3 percent […]
June 2017 Jobs Report

The month of June has been interesting when it comes to employment. Job creation has increased 222,000 new jobs. The unemployment rate was little changed at 4.4 percent from the previous 4.3% in May. Unemployment has increased since there are more people entered the labor force. Employment has increased in fields of health care, social […]
Talent Acquisition Pros: Ask This, Not That

How old are you? What’s your marital status? Do you have any children? You probably wouldn’t be as bold as to ask those questions outright. However, framing them in a more palatable way doesn’t make them less likely to land you in hot water. RELATED: Be the Recruitment Process Leader You’d Want to Follow Some […]
7 Ways to Capture Job Candidate Attention When They Aren’t Looking

Time to hire is growing. Cost per hire is, too. According to SHRM, the average cost in 2016 was over $4,000. And although most people who want a job already have one, company loyalty is becoming a thing of the past. People jump ship, but another company’s loss could be your gain as long as […]
Why the Talent Acquisition Pipeline Matters More in a Full Employment Economy

With nearly everyone who wants a job already employed, talent acquisition has its work cut out. The candidates that you need aren’t looking, so you have to help them tune in. But are you looking in all the right places? And do you have a strategy for keeping great candidates engaged until you have something […]
Helping the Full Employment Economy Work in Favor of Talent Acquisition

The More You Know About Candidates the More Power You Have to Win Them Where do the candidates you want to hire spend time? They’re not frequenting job boards, for certain, but they are online. Social media is one of the most obvious places to find them. Social offers tools that help you learn more […]
May 2017 Jobs Report

The month of May has been interesting when it comes to employment. Job creation has decreased to 138,000 positions from the expected 185,000. But the good news is unemployment has fallen to 4.3%, the lowest it has been in 16 years! Here are some of the highlights for the month of May. BROAD OVERVIEW Unemployment […]
April 2017 Jobs Report

The month of April brings us great news! Hiring has picked up and unemployment has fallen to 4.4%, it’s lowest point in over a decade. Overall, the unemployment rate is near what economists consider full employment. Here are some of the highlights. Broad Overview Unemployment decreased from 4.5% to 4.4% Wages grew 2.5% The economy […]
Key Attributes for Designing High-End Job Descriptions

You will often come across articles online which provide advice for job seekers on how to maximize their chances of getting a good job by improving their resume. But, what most employers and companies neglect is the fact that they also need to do their part by creating a relevant and effective job description […]
March 2017 Jobs Report

The March Jobs Report shows some interesting results. The month of March saw a decrease in unemployment to 4.5%. This is the lowest unemployment rate since May 2007, which is great news. That being said, there are pros and cons to this last month’s results. Let’s take a look at some of most important takeaways […]
Middle of Funnel Talent Acquisition Engagement Tools

The middle of the talent acquisition funnel offers so many possibilities, you might even call it the fun part of recruiting. But it’s also where many job candidates abandon the process. With the ever-growing cost of hire, you need as many oars in the recruiting waters as possible to help you and the candidates stay […]
6 Team Building Lessons Managers Can Learn From This Popular Television Show

Between the years, 1983-1987, there was a popular television show called the ”A Team.” Four Vietnam War veterans were charged with robbing the Bank of Hanoi during the War, and were tried, convicted, and sent to a military prison. They actually did rob the bank, but they do so under secret orders from their commander. […]
Understanding Human Resources Technology with a Periodic Table

CB Insights recently unveiled a fascinating infographic entitled “The Periodic Table of HR Tech.” This table is not only an extremely clever notion in its own right, but it also provides genuine insight into the way many private companies make up the modern face of the HR tech industry. RELATED: How Technology Can Help HR […]
When Tenured Employees Go Bad (Millennials Look Like a Great Choice)

What if tenured employees have a worse work ethic than those darned Millennials that everyone talks about? It’s not universally true, but it’s an easy problem for a progressive company to find themselves in the middle of. Comfortable employees in a company with loads of freedom and benefits might take advantage of a good thing. […]
4 Ways Exit Interviews Help Stop the Hiring Merry-go-Round

It doesn’t matter how many positions you fill and how quickly you can fill them. What keeps you off the hiring merry-go-round is making those elusive great hires and retaining them. But what if the people you lose could help you make better choices next time? That’s the idea behind exit interviews, even though Harvard […]
Turning Millennials into Managers: Yes, it Can be Done

Is any generation more disparaged in the workplace than Millennials? They’re entitled, some say. They want too many perks and aren’t quite as disciplined as past generations. So what to do about the fact that Baby Boomers are retiring in droves and businesses need a new crop of managers? The first thing to do is […]
Should Employers Continue Drug Testing Employees?

Drug testing employees is routine for many employers. It’s likely been the policy for as long as senior leadership can remember. And so, every time a new hire joins the company, they’re sent off to pee in a cup and prove they’re drug-free. A recent survey of around 70,000 working people across the U.S. found […]
What Personality Tests Mean for Your Hiring Process

Wouldn’t it be great to peek into the mind of a prospective employee to learn whether he or she would be a good company fit? In a way, that’s what personality tests can do. More employers are using them, and with interesting results. The most useful tests aren’t created in-house or relied on as the […]
The Last Job Posting Guide You’ll Ever Need (For Now)

If your job posting efforts haven’t changed substantially over the past few years, there’s no way around it: It’s time for a change. The same applies if you think it’s little more than a notification and invitation to apply. Great job postings are technically ads, but also a bit different. They’re not just ads for […]
How Much Do Posting Jobs Really Cost You?

Open positions don’t save the company money, even though there’s no paycheck issued to an empty workstation. In some cases, especially with tech positions, the act of posting jobs means you’re losing money. And the longer the chair stays empty, the worse the situation becomes. You can learn a lot about the value of every […]
3 Habits of the Highly Skilled Recruiter

Some recruiters seem to shine as highly skilled professionals in the industry. They’re the ones with a blistering number of social media followers. They’re the ones writing blog posts that everyone shares. You might think that it’s sheer luck and opportunity, but it’s not. What sets them apart isn’t always the tools in hand, but […]
Marketing Trends Changing the Face of Recruitment

There’s a transformation happening in recruitment right now, and you can get ahead of the curve. It’s all about marketing, which wasn’t the focus for many, if any, recruiters in the not-so-distant past. Why would it be, when HR had its own strategy lined out and it seemed to work just fine? But the marketing […]
How do Candidates Perceive Your Company Brand? Employees Know

If prospective employees don’t relate to your brand, you might not see the recruiting results that you’re after. Marketing and sales already know how important branding is. But with recruiting not that much different from sales anymore, HR should start to come around, and soon. Current employees can help. RELATED: What Does Your Company Stand […]
Defining and Nailing Cultural Fit

When a new hire isn’t a good cultural fit, everyone loses. The employee loses time, and you lose time and money as well. It’s buzzworthy right now, but knowing that cultural fit is important and achieving it are two different things. RELATED: 5 Ways to Improve Company Culture Of course you want employees who fit […]
4 Common Challenges for Recruiters and How to Handle Them

Recruitment challenges pop up routinely, and they typically boil down to finding and keeping the best talent. Maybe the problem is in the process. Outmoded methods and dated technology don’t do anyone any favors. Or maybe your company suffers from a dwindling supply of qualified applicants. A recruiter’s work is truly never done. But with […]
You’ve Got Great Talent, Now Keep It

When you subtract attrition from your new hire rate, the numbers might not be exceptional after all. Hiring a team is only part of the battle. You’ve got to hire the right team, and then you’ve got to keep that great talent. That’s arguably the biggest job you’ve got. Sourcing candidates and candidate retention go […]
5 Ways Recruiters Blow it at Tech Social Recruiting

It wasn’t long ago that social media and social recruiting were buzz-worthy ideas for recruiting. But now it’s part of everyday fare for a majority of recruiters, so you’ve got to get it right. There were no set rules when recruiters first tiptoed into the social recruiting arena to test it out. Now there are, […]
Interviewer Questions to Ask Candidates That Really Work

Do you still spend time in interviews asking about an applicant’s strengths and past achievements? There may be better interviewer questions to ask candidates to find the right person. Many times, candidates who look good on paper struggle with jobs that require creativity and collaboration, two skills that are more and more necessary for companies operating […]
Is Your Recruitment Strategy Taking Advantage of Big Data?

Big Data. It’s not necessarily a new idea. The information has been there for a long time. But finding ways to tap into it and make it useful has been a bit elusive. Marketing and sales were some of the first areas to jump into the Big Data ring. But if your company’s recruitment strategy […]
5 Ways to Improve Company Culture

The backbone of a company is its culture, and one of the ways to attract top people to a business is to show off that culture. Employers can no longer rely on a simple statement of values or mission, they need to show a potential employee exactly how wonderful it would be to work with […]
6 Tips for Tackling Employee Turnover

With employee turnover being one of the costliest problems that a business faces, effective ways to whittle it down should be on every recruiter’s mind. According to the HR consulting firm, Corter Consulting, the loss of one $8 / hour employee costs over $5,000. A salaried employee earning $75,000 annually can cost about $15,000. Businesses […]
The Future of Healthcare Employment

If you are in the process of deciding what career to pursue or you are considering a change of careers, then take a long look at a job in a healthcare field. According to, there will be an average job growth rate of 19 percent for almost all healthcare related fields by 2024. While […]
How Technology Can Help HR Hire Better Candidates

The job of HR recruiters keeps increasing in complexity, so it’s no wonder that new technologies are more than a little welcome to help manage it all. Everything is changing. Candidate sourcing isn’t simple anymore, and neither is keeping up with the ways that they want and need to be reached. And that doesn’t begin […]
Do You Treat Your Candidates Like Customers?

How well do you really know your candidates? If you have a recruiting process in place that’s seemed to work just fine for years, your answer to that question is probably at least a bit inaccurate. RELATED: Why Job Candidates are Attracted to Companies with a Mission Recruiting is, or should be, a great deal […]
Healthcare Industry Hires Grow In February’s Jobs Report

February was another great month for the job market as this month’s jobs report shows. Employers added 242,000 workers last month and unemployment held steady at 4.9 percent. That’s around 50,000 more jobs than economists were expecting. Employment gains have averaged 543,000 a month since December, the biggest increase in 16 years. It’s clear that […]
When an Improving Economy is Bad for Business

Job seekers have worried for years about finding work, but the tide has shifted, and that’s not great news for recruiting. It’s the big truth about supply and demand. Whoever has the biggest supply has the odds stacked in their favor. Today, supply favors workers as the economy keeps improving. HR recruiters have a tougher […]
Is Mobile Job Apply for You? Your Candidates Think So

Job candidates are using mobile. Are you? It’s not as basic a question as it seems. Mobile capable and mobile optimized are very different animals. The former is the least that recruiters can offer to candidates. The latter makes searching and applying for jobs with a mobile device as easy as it can be. RELATED: […]
Whats Big in Recruiting for 2016?

Recruiting is anything but boring these days, and 2016 is shaping up to be an exciting year. Everything is changing, from the way that the employees themselves factor into the equation to the way that qualified candidates are sourced. Recruiters are realizing that employees, and by default employee candidates, really are the vital asset that […]
Hiring for Emerging Roles? Think Competencies Not Certifications

There have always been emerging roles, at least for as long as times have changed. Problem is, times are changing faster now, and roles are branching out in so many different directions. The jobs of tomorrow may bear little resemblance to those of today. But while the decisions that recruiters make are of paramount importance […]
The 2016 Presidential Election & the Job Market

The job market is relatively strong so far in 2016, with unemployment falling below 5 percent for the first time since 2008. But as we all know, the 2016 presidential election is coming up, and some believe this uncertainty might affect the positive market. Let’s take a look. RELATED: Hiring Solutions: How Pay Per Applicant […]
Discrimination Through Micro-Aggression: An Up and Coming HR Problem

Discrimination, at least in its most obvious forms, is growing more and more rare in the workplace, but that doesn’t mean it’s gone. The new face of discrimination, which admittedly isn’t new at all, is micro-aggression. Many employers are beginning to acknowledge the problem, but aren’t entirely sure what to do about it. RELATED: Millennials […]
The Race for New Hires: Be a Tortoise Not a Hare

Call it turnover, churn or whatever else that you will, when an employee leaves it costs you money. The clock is ticking, and recruiters are in a race for the best talent. But that mentality is at odds with making the best hires. The hare might scoop up candidates left and right, but there are […]
Hiring Military Veterans Commands A Different Approach and Closer Look

When U.S. military veterans transition from active duty to civilian life, there’s a lot more to the transformation than a change of clothes. Because hiring vets is so much different from hiring average civilians, it’s no wonder vets are seriously underserved and misunderstood. Question is, does your company know how to speak their language, and […]
4 Ways HR Can Help Shrink the Gender Pay Gap

It’s a sad and disappointing fact that women are, even now, paid about 79 cents for every dollar earned by men. The gender pay gap is much greater for minority women, with some earning nearly half that of their male peers. Although it’s gotten better overall, there is still a long way to go. RELATED: […]
5 Takeaways from Glassdoor’s 25 Best Jobs in America

Around 45% of the population in the US will be looking for a new job this year. Glassdoor recently released its second annual ranking of the 25 Best Jobs in America for 2016 to help them with the search. But this report helps employers, as well. Those businesses in the top industries know that there […]
3 Items to Check Before You Publish That All-Important ‘Employer Branding’ Blog Post

Blogging, otherwise known as providing regular, relevant, and updated information to site visitors, is an important component of any recruitment success. Basically, the more you provide valuable insight through text and other digital media, the more likely potential employees are to return and become applicants. But, what do you need to do before hitting “publish” […]
Hiring Solutions: How Pay Per Applicant Can Get You Results

There’s no doubt that recruiting has changed, especially in the Internet age. Years ago, recruiting was often conducted often by word-of-mouth, candidates stopping into businesses seeking handshake deals, and plain old paper applications. These days, however, digital recruiting technology and techniques have changed the game forever. Defining Modern Recruiting Via Digital Means RELATED: 3 Myths […]
6 Common Habits Recruiters Need to Stop

Some recruiters use procedures so common they’re practically second nature, but that doesn’t mean they’re good. Maybe it’s in the way that you write a job ad, or the erroneous idea that you can know a candidate by skimming a resume. Going with your gut has about a 50 / 50 shot of working. Parts […]
10 Words Recruiters are Tired of Seeing on Resumes

The catchphrases and outdated buzzwords in resumes today are enough to send HR recruiters straight to the migraine zone. What is it about this commonplace document that makes job seekers haul out the War and Peace volume of corporate-speak? The job market hasn’t been especially great for the past several years, so maybe descriptors […]
Millennials Say Yes, Ethics Matter in a Career

Do ethics matter in business? For some people, ethical standards are necessarily lowered in business because they’re willing to do what it takes to make a dollar. In fact, this is even more true of subordinates who have been given a specific task by the boss. However, for others, ethics play a major role in […]
Do Your Job Candidates Know the Cloud?

Many of the most sought-after job applicant selling points have remained constant throughout the years: persistence, commitment, intelligence and a sense of teamwork. But as the world has changed, so have hiring managers’ checklists of “must have” applicant traits. Rising to the top over the past few years? Knowledge of cloud computing. RELATED: Why Overqualified […]
How to Use Social Media to Turn Job Seekers Into Applicants

Social media is a way for companies to put messages out to millions of prospective job candidates to find that one who fits the job description perfectly. While most recruiters use social media as a way to enhance their recruiting efforts, there are powerful ways to use social media to find your next employee and […]
Why More Employers May Be Hiring More Ex-Cons in 2016

According to NBC News, up to 75 percent of ex-convicts cannot find jobs within their first year of being released from prison. Despite doing their time for their crime, many ex-convicts are finding that companies are unwilling to offer the kind of employment that could lead to a better life and a life away from […]
Why Millennials are Loving Start-Ups More and Traditional Companies Less

It’s little wonder that millennials are attracted to the cutting edge, fast-paced, and exciting world of start-up companies. Indeed, the Venn diagram comprising of ‘millennials’ and ‘start-ups’ circles would certainly overlap pretty closely. They’re both trendy, ahead of the curve, open and adaptive to change, and contain just a dash of naive optimism. Yet the […]
How is the Gig Economy Faring?

When people see service websites such as Uber or auction websites such as eBay, the assumption is that someone is using those services to make a lot of money. Many people are even starting to assume that the gig economy, the money derived from taking per-call work on a website, is going to be the […]
Does Your Employer Brand Need Less Secret Identity and More Superhero?

In classic superhero tales, the protagonist is typically someone who wants to avoid the limelight. In doing so, the hero will usually don a secret identity to avoid suspicion, and this identity is often the complete opposite of who the hero is when he or she is fighting crime. In business, and especially in representing […]
Why Overqualified Candidates Might Be a Myth

The idea that overqualified candidates make terrible employees has been around as long as the coffee break. The idea of not hiring overqualified candidates is not without merit, as the Harvard Business Review indicates that a study by Israeli scientists found that overqualified workers do tend to be more miserable with their jobs and quit […]
What Does Your Company Stand for?

Is there a reason for your company to stand for something to be effective? According to Jeff Dickey-Chasins, your company cannot establish a brand unless it has a purpose. A company that has a clear-cut definition of what it is and what it does can carve a well-defined path towards success. What about your job […]
IRS Clarifies Laws for Employers Regarding Same Sex Marriage

In 2013, the IRS attempted to clarify the tax filing status of same-sex couples by saying that couples who were married in states that legalized same sex marriage were considered a legally married couple for tax purposes. The problem with the tax statute is that it still left a lot gray area when it came […]
Why Inefficient Hiring is Holding You Back

In 2006, announced that it was debuting the first pay-per-click job recruiting program that allowed employers to create targeted ads to reach very specific types of candidates. The initial draw of these programs is that they were designed to make online recruiting more efficient. Over the years, pay-per-click recruiting advertising has proven to be […]
How Subpar Job Postings are Sabotaging Your Recruiting

As the world transitions from print to digital platforms, everyone has to start altering the way they do things in order to get the right results. Before the Internet, recruiters could put out general job descriptions because there were a lot more general practitioners than specialists. But things have changed, and recruiters now need to […]
How the Improving Economy is Making Hiring Harder

For workers, a growing economy means better jobs and the ability to choose between quality jobs to find that next career move. For companies, a growing economy means more revenue and more opportunities to grow. But a growing economy also means that there are less qualified workers looking for jobs, and the lack of quality […]
Why Quality of Hire is The One Metric to Rule Them All

Recruiting professionals and job boards are constantly looking for ways to quantify their work so that others can understand their effectiveness. The best way to measure effectiveness is to create a metric, and the metric that has shot to the top of everyone’s list is the quality of hire metric. Recruiters and job boards have […]
How Your Hiring Process Reflects Your Company Culture

With the pool of available employment candidates shrinking, it is more important than ever that companies understand the importance of a good interview process. When you are interviewing a candidate, you need to impress the candidate as much as they need to impress you. The process you use to bring in new talent can be […]
November’s Hiring Numbers Forced Interest Rate Hike

According to the Los Angeles Times, the unemployment rate in the United States has dropped from a high of 10 percent in 2009, to five percent in November 2015. The construction and retail sectors in the United States have seen tremendous job growth, and that is helping to fuel an economic recovery. But as with […]
Why Hiring in 2016 Means More Video, Storytelling and Diversity

Hiring a new employee has previously meant putting an ad in the paper or going by word-of-mouth through a friend, family member, or current employee. These days, the Internet has allowed businesses of all sizes to spread the word about openings across the country and across the world with the click of a mouse. Even […]
Why Employer Branding will Matter More Than Ever in 2016

According to LinkedIn’s Global Recruiting Trends report, employer branding has made a comeback as a top priority of employers. An average of 59 percent of the world’s employers are boosting their investment in brand creation and management (in the U.S., the number is 62 percent), so it looks like 2016 will be the “Year of […]
Why Job Candidates are Attracted to Companies with a Mission

When looking for a career position, what would you place as most important? Salary? Title? Growth potential? Obviously, all of these things are important, but these days, job candidates are seeking out companies that not only have mission statements, but also companies that live out their mission statements. It’s easy enough to make up a […]
The San Francisco 49ers Offer a Lesson in Engaging Millennials

When you see the term “recruitment” in association with professional football, you probably assume that it has something to do with the college draft or pre-season team member selection. At the very least, you wouldn’t automatically assume that it has anything to do with your own job recruitment site. But a recent TalentCulture story concerning […]
How to Attract Millennials to Your Company

The millennial generation is unlike any previous generation when it comes to hiring. Millennials, often considered to be people born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s, have grown up in an era where technology has become a part of virtually everything they do. From computers to smartphones and apps to search engines, millennial […]
How Much Does a New Hire Cost?

Hiring a new employee can be an amazing experience, but it can also be costly. With each new hire, you’re bringing someone onboard who may be with you for the next few decades, but this person may also cost your company thousands of dollars in the short-term in costs that include insurance, unemployment, training, and […]
The Cost of Hiring the Wrong Candidate

You probably already know that hiring the right people for your business is crucial to getting the job done, but did you know that hiring the wrong candidate can be detrimental in ways other than day-to-day operations? A bad hire can not only cause a loss in productivity, but he or she can also lead […]
6 Great Interview Questions Employers Should Ask

The average interview last 40 minutes, according to a Forbes article. Do you really want to spend that time on useless, trivial or misleading information? Here are six great interview questions to keep in your holster for your next interview. 1. If you could restart your career knowing now what you didn’t know then, would […]
How Personal Should Employers Get with Their Candidates?

The old saying “looks aren’t everything” means that a person’s personality traits are also important. While employers aren’t allowed to discriminate against candidates based on looks (even though some do,) many are now adding personality to the list of qualities that a candidate must possess in order to get hired. The thinking behind this trend […]
How to Help Mold the Job Skills of Millennials

Millennials have been entering the workforce for a while now, but employers are often still at a loss as to how to bridge skill gaps. This younger generation of workers comes with a variety of expectations, and this can pose a challenge to older employers who are used to doing things a certain way. To […]