Is HR the Most Analytics Driven Function?

Traditionally, HR is very people-oriented (after all, it’s in the name). People drawn to HR have a talent for finding people, hiring people, and helping people thrive in the work environment. It’s all very focused on the human element of work life and company productivity. But HR has also stealthily become one of the most […]
What Are the Steps in Effective Workforce Planning?

Workforce planning is usually at the top of the to-do list when it comes to strategy, but when it comes to assigning resources, it often falls below more pressing needs. Still, given that your employees are arguably the most valuable asset your organization has, it’s worth prioritizing. Part of the problem is that many organizations […]
All You Need To Know About Creating Successful Job Posts

Today’s recruitment game is tougher than ever before—in addition to stiff competition for key talent with everyone from lean startups to giant multinational companies with global operations, grabbing the attention of job seekers amidst a labyrinth of endless job search and corporate websites is no easy feat. But that doesn’t make achieving your recruiting goals […]
Top 10 Recruitment Thought Leaders In HR You Should Be Following

LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Instagram are a great way to network, but there’s also a wealth of wisdom and advice out there to take in as you make your daily perusal of blogs and other media. Whether you want to listen to a podcast on your morning commute for your daily dose of HR inspiration […]
3 of the most common recruiting mistakes

Attention recruiters: In today’s ultra-competitive job market, the pressure to stand out from the competition, attract new talent, and keep your pipelines rich with active and passive job seekers—both for open positions today and emerging positions tomorrow—is greater than ever before. In fact, the pressure to meet your recruiting team’s key performance metrics and ensure […]
5 ways CPC can improve KPIs

With the CPC or “cost-per-click” model of job advertising common to most job boards today, more traffic will ultimately be more costly—but too little traffic will get you fewer applicants. It’s like the goldilocks principle of recruitment advertising: you don’t necessarily want too much traffic or too little: you want the right amount. But, really, […]
Time to Hire: How to Expedite Your Hiring Process

An open vacancy bleeds money in several ways; projects may languish or stress an entire department, and your job ad may cost more the longer it runs. It’s no secret that turnover creates inefficiency within your organization—but there are ways to make your hiring process streamlined to fill that vacancy quicker and still get quality […]
Focus your hiring on candidates’ potential—not experience

Ever since Kennedy-Nixon, American elections have tended to fit neatly into the narrative of the change candidate vs. the experienced political veteran. We can think of any election as a really exhaustive, expensive hiring process—whether it’s for the nation’s top job or your local representative. But while you may not hold a company-wide vote on […]
7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Halloween in Your Office

‘Tis the season of pumpkins, ghosts, candy, and costumes—and it’s not just for kids. If you want to bring some of the magic of Halloween fun to work, here a few tricks (or treats) to upgrade the Halloween classics into the modern office. Go simple Bring some color into the office. It’s easy to go […]
How Personalized Perks Benefit Both Employee and Company Life

Today’s job market is not like it used to be. In addition to the wave of technological innovation that’s completely evolved the job hunting game and the rapidly evolving staffing requirements of companies that’s changing the very nature of how we work, we’re witnessing a shift in the balance between employer needs and employee demands […]
6 Things HR Needs to Know About Generation Z

It might be difficult to believe, but Millennials aren’t incoming freshmen anymore. Welcome, Generation Z. Born after 1995, they’re the youngest segment of the workforce and they’re not as similar to their predecessors as you might imagine. This is their first act and they’re ready for their close-up. This generation wants involvement, they want to […]
Your Next Great Strategy for Employment Branding

What if the most powerful employment branding strategy you’ve ever used was right under your nose just waiting to be discovered? Content marketing is a sleeper hit. Whether or not you realize it, you already have a good grasp on how it’s done. All that you need now is a strategy to make content work […]
Artificial Intelligence: A Game-Changer for the Recruitment Process

As AI recruiting continues to establish itself as a trajectory-changing force in the world of HR, the time has come for us to empower ourselves with knowledge. Between thought leaders, business practitioners, HR and hiring decision-makers, there is much to learn from the experience and the results from others, as they embrace automation and align […]
3 Methods for Building an Entry-Level Talent Pipeline

From the sales industry to manufacturing to corporate America, entry-level talent can be an essential business-driver that contributes to economic growth for organizations and to society overall. However, many companies tend to over-focus on executive recruiting and hiring senior personnel, overlooking the potential for younger, less experienced workers to join their organizations and grow within […]
Understanding Challenges Around Filling Entry Level Positions

Despite being one of the biggest drivers of job creation, entry-level and hourly positions are getting increasingly more difficult to fill. With all the talk about executive recruiting, let’s not neglect the importance of having strong early-career talent as well. Entry-level employees are useful for reducing operating costs, developing more robust talent pipelines, increasing employee […]
3 HR Tips for Successful Onboarding

Savvy recruiters know that sourcing talent is only the beginning of their talent acquisition responsibilities. While employee orientation, training, and onboarding can be costly and negatively impact time-to-hire, it is also an essential aspect of building a high-performing workforce. Time and time again, a practical onboarding strategy has been shown to drive employee engagement and […]
HR Tips for a Better Onboarding Strategy

Does anyone really like filling out new hire paperwork and watching a canned orientation video? New hire onboarding isn’t necessarily supposed to be fun, but it could provide a much better and welcoming candidate experience. RELATED: Hiring Managers Embrace the Automation Revolution That’s what it’s all about these days, with candidates scarce and employers striving […]
How HR Can Master Quality of Hire in 2018

Who are your company’s top performers? Who do you wish that you could clone? And how did you get so lucky as to hire them? Was it sheer luck? Maybe, at least in part, but you can also analyze what’s behind great hires so you can get better and more consistent results. Quality of hire […]
10 Years Later: How the Great Recession Still Affects Talent Acquisition

The old song says, ”What a difference a day makes.” Imagine what 10 years can do. A decade has passed since the housing bubble burst, the stock market took a plunge and the shock heard ’round the world launched unemployment like a rocket. Two years was all that it took to institute lasting changes in […]
How Predictive Data Helps You Stay Ahead of the Next Recession

What if you had a safeguard against the ups and downs of an erratic economy? Predictive data can’t protect your market investments, but it could help you develop better talent acquisition strategies that work in fair weather or foul. Programmatic and big data holds the answers that you need for smarter and more efficient sourcing. […]
Marketing’s Critical Role in Candidate Sourcing

These are interesting times for talent acquisition. The economy is still improving, unemployment is quite low and jobs still experience fits and starts of growth. Candidate sourcing is more difficult now, but that’s partly because of outdated methods that don’t work well anymore. Marketing has the answer and it’s been there all along. Marketing and […]
What is the Talent Pipeline, Really?

Once you have the basics of the funnel, you have a good idea of how it can help you make better hires. It will work, even if you don’t fully commit to it. Whenever there’s talent in the pipeline, you have a leg up on hiring. But imagine how much easier life would be if […]
5 Ways Big Data Changes Talent Acquisition

It’s not that the answers talent acquisition needed didn’t exist before; it’s that the technology to find the data and transform it into useful answers was still in the future. Thankfully, the future is now. Everyone talks about the power of programmatic and big data, but only some people in talent acquisition do something about […]
8 Employee Engagement Stats That Will Reinvigorate Your Workforce

With employee engagement being such a buzzy phrase, you might expect widespread attention dedicated to strategic employee development and improvement. That’s not exactly what’s happening in HR talent management, but it really should be. Most businesses know that employee engagement matters. Most of them understand what aspects of their business are affected by engaged or […]
HR and Recruiting Year in Review: What’s Hot, What’s Next?

Although 2017 is winding down, much of what happened over the past year has just gotten started. Next year, expect to see technology settle into the mainstream more than before. HR and recruiting professionals have gained a better understanding of how it works with, not just alongside the people who drive the industries. They also […]
Is Simple Texting the Next Big Thing in Recruiting Technology?

You probably text every day, but have you ever sent text messages to a job candidate? Get ready, because you will. RELATED: What it Means to be a Recruiting Leader in 2018 Texting isn’t new, but it is new for recruiting technology. It’s how the up-and-coming generations prefer to communicate, especially with unsolicited messages or […]
4 Ways Top Recruiters Nail Their Brand as a Leader

Are you just a recruiter? Or are you someone other recruiters want to imitate? Chances are you fall somewhere in between. If you want to break out of the rut and transform your brand, you need to stop, re-evaluate and form a new plan. Otherwise, you’ll be on the same track in a year. RELATED: […]
What it Means to be a Recruiting Leader in 2018

Some people are natural-born leaders. They have a certain influential quality that makes others stop and pay attention. The best ones wear it lightly, too. People naturally want to do what they’re doing, read what they’re reading and hopefully enjoy some of the same successes. But what if you’re not one of the lucky ones […]
Can Better HR Technology Really Improve Your Company’s Bottom Line?

HR professionals everywhere are hoping for (and hopefully planning for) a healthier budget in the coming year. Just think of what more funding could do. You could update the company hiring site, develop more brand-building strategies, and maybe offer a more attractive benefits package. That’s just the beginning. You could also invest in new HR […]
How to Convince the CFO You Need a Bigger HR Budget

You can’t simply walk into a budget meeting with your hand out and hope to walk away from it happy. Preparation takes time. With the new budget season nearly upon us, hopefully, you’ve already begun. Unfortunately, asking for a bigger budget isn’t as simple as explaining why you need it. To capture the attention of […]
HR Budget Season is Coming: Get More or Get Left in the Dust

How do you view HR? Are you the department that fills open positions and ensures compliance with state and federal regulations? Or are you one of the critical driving forces behind the success of every team, every department and the company as a whole? Related: Can Better HR Technology Really Improve the Company’s Bottom Line? […]
6 Things HR Needs to Know About Generation Z

It might be difficult to believe, but Millennials aren’t incoming freshmen anymore. Welcome, Generation Z. Born after 1995, they’re the youngest segment of the workforce and they’re not as similar to their predecessors as you might imagine. This is their first act and they’re ready for their close-up. RELATED: Employee Skills Shortage Could be a […]
October Jobs Report: The US Economy Added 261,000 Jobs

According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate dropped to 4.1%, the lowest in 17 years. The economy also added 261,000 jobs. Job gains occurred in professional and business services, manufacturing, health care, and food services. Here are some of the highlights for the month of October. BROAD OVERVIEW […]
3 Ways HR Talent Management Can Shape the Future Workforce

You’re not the only one bemoaning the lack of qualified job candidates. It’s happening in every industry and keeps getting worse. But what would you give for one great idea that could shape the future for the better? RELATED: Employee Skills Shortage Could be a Bigger Problem in 2018 HR talent management professionals have an […]
Employee Skills Shortage Could be a Bigger Problem in 2018

It’s no secret that great job candidates are few and far between these days. Employment is up, unemployment is down, and just like two days before prom, most people are already accounted for. But HR and many employers share another growing concern besides a thinning talent pool. There’s a skills shortage, they say, even among […]
What the Talent Acquisition Pipeline of the Future Might Look Like

With the rise of the gig economy and unemployment progressively lower, casting a line into the same pool of candidates can yield disappointing talent acquisition results. Diversifying where you source, how you retain and who you hire are becoming requirements for recruiters and human resources, especially as the market continues adding more new jobs. Younger […]
Develop a Mentoring Talent Strategy that Brings Seasoned Pros and New Stars Together

As more of the Baby Boomer generation moves toward retirement, carefully honed skill sets become an increasingly rare commodity for employers. Fresh, new job candidates enter the workforce every day, but what they have in enthusiasm, they lack in experience. There’s a skills gap that’s widening as more people retire, but a mentoring program might […]
Are You Overlooking a Job Candidate Goldmine?

If you look for talent acquisition gold in a tapped out stream, you’ll come up with a pan full of sand. But if you stake another claim upstream, you might find some bright, shiny prospects. There’s a gold mine of talented people just waiting to be discovered. Problem is, most of them are overlooked for all […]
Why Happy Employees are Your Best Talent Acquisition Tool

About one-third of new employees quit before they reach their six-month anniversary. One-third of them knew they’d leave within the first week. On the flip side, TLNT Talent Management & HR says employees referred by someone already on board are more likely than anyone else to stay on the job long term. RELATED: A Competitor’s […]
These Talent Acquisition Metrics Get the C Suite’s Attention

The C suite might not care about application completion rates, time to hire, and other metrics that make the human resources world go round. You use them. They belong in HR. But company executives might have a different idea about what matters most of all. RELATED: 3 Ways Big Data Can Improve Critical Hiring KPIs […]
Don’t Let Unhappy Employees Kill Your Brand

Do you know how satisfied and engaged your employees really are? People who stay with the same company longer than two or three years are becoming the exception, not the rule. And in such a competitive hiring climate, you can bet your competition has their sights set on your best and brightest. Happy employees are […]
A Competitor’s Loss is Your Talent Sourcing Gain

You probably take care of your employees, but not every company has the same philosophy. Some of them haven’t gotten the memo about this being a job seeker’s market and some have their priorities elsewhere. But for whatever the reason, a competitor’s loss is your talent sourcing gain if you think of it as an […]
What’s the Number One Emerging Hiring Metric for 2018?

What’s the top emerging hiring key performance indicator for 2018? It’s a trick question. According to an array of talent industry professionals, the most important KPI is one that, when improved, has the most power to affect business in a positive way. RELATED: These Talent Acquisition Metrics Get the C Suite’s Attention For you, the […]
3 Ways Big Data Can Improve Critical Hiring KPIs

Technology lets you look out from today into a more productive tomorrow. It makes the work of HR professionals simpler and more effective, but that’s just the beginning. Using predictive analytics, information from decisions and actions in the past helps create a better result in the future. It’s all because of big data-that sometimes confusing, […]
September 2017 Jobs Report

According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate in September dipped to 4.2 percent. This is 0.2 percent lower than the unemployment rate in August and 0.1 percent lower than the unemployment rate in July. The number of jobs created fell by 33,000 after adding an average of 172,000 […]
August 2017 Jobs Report

According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate in August, at 4.4 percent, saw little change from 4.3 percent in July. The number of jobs created fell from 209,000 in July to 156,000 in August. Employment increased in manufacturing, construction, professional and technical services, health care, and mining. Here […]
5 Ways Recruiters Source Better with Fewer in the Candidate Pool

The U.S. Department of Labor‘s July 2017 jobs report showed unemployment at a steady 4.3 percent. With over 200,000 new jobs created and nearly everyone who wants one already working, pickings are awfully slim. What’s in your talent acquisition bag of tricks when times are tough? With so few applicants on the market and more […]
Top 5 Hard-to-Fill Jobs for 2017 and How to Shift the Odds

This year has seen rising employment numbers and an improving economy, both of which make a recruiter’s job more challenging than usual. It’s a job seeker’s market. In many ways, the current hiring climate favors almost everyone except the recruiter and employer. Passive candidates also have an edge. For jobs that are increasingly harder to […]
Talent Acquisition Can Learn a Lot From Good Old-Fashioned Values

There’s no getting around it. If you don’t show candidates a little love, there’s no reason for them to pick up the phone or stick around long enough to be a viable lead. Talent acquisition needs a boost of good old-fashioned values. And that can work in your favor as well make candidates feel like […]
Can Hiring Tech Automation Make You a Better Human?

It’s not as ironic as it sounds at first blush. While some people believe certain technology interferes with the human connection and may even threaten jobs, technology can complement your work. It can also improve the all-important candidate experience. In a full employment economy, that’s a win-win situation. If that’s surprising, count yourself in good […]
Job Candidates Talk: How Talent Acquisition Skills Hurt or Help Your Brand

Ready for an eye-opener? A whopping 74 percent of people who already have a job are open to something new and better. That’s according to the 2016 Jobvite Job Seeker Nation study. But there’s a caveat: the skills you have as a talent acquisition pro can make or break your chances of landing the candidates […]
4 Ways HR Drops the Ball on What Matters Most to Job Candidates

Job candidates have always had their own set of pain points about the hiring process. In a full employment economy, wise is the HR department that listens; sorry is the team that doesn’t. Fortunately, for every way that human resources can drop the ball, there are remedies to prevent it or help you recover quickly. […]
July 2017 Jobs Report

The month of July saw little change in employment and unemployment rates. According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, employment increased by 209,000 new jobs and the unemployment rate fell to 4.3 percent. Employment decreased by 220,000 new jobs in June and the unemployment rate hardly changed from 4.4 percent in June and 4.3 percent […]
June 2017 Jobs Report

The month of June has been interesting when it comes to employment. Job creation has increased 222,000 new jobs. The unemployment rate was little changed at 4.4 percent from the previous 4.3% in May. Unemployment has increased since there are more people entered the labor force. Employment has increased in fields of health care, social […]
Talent Acquisition Pros: Ask This, Not That

How old are you? What’s your marital status? Do you have any children? You probably wouldn’t be as bold as to ask those questions outright. However, framing them in a more palatable way doesn’t make them less likely to land you in hot water. RELATED: Be the Recruitment Process Leader You’d Want to Follow Some […]
7 Ways to Capture Job Candidate Attention When They Aren’t Looking

Time to hire is growing. Cost per hire is, too. According to SHRM, the average cost in 2016 was over $4,000. And although most people who want a job already have one, company loyalty is becoming a thing of the past. People jump ship, but another company’s loss could be your gain as long as […]
Why the Talent Acquisition Pipeline Matters More in a Full Employment Economy

With nearly everyone who wants a job already employed, talent acquisition has its work cut out. The candidates that you need aren’t looking, so you have to help them tune in. But are you looking in all the right places? And do you have a strategy for keeping great candidates engaged until you have something […]
Helping the Full Employment Economy Work in Favor of Talent Acquisition

The More You Know About Candidates the More Power You Have to Win Them Where do the candidates you want to hire spend time? They’re not frequenting job boards, for certain, but they are online. Social media is one of the most obvious places to find them. Social offers tools that help you learn more […]
May 2017 Jobs Report

The month of May has been interesting when it comes to employment. Job creation has decreased to 138,000 positions from the expected 185,000. But the good news is unemployment has fallen to 4.3%, the lowest it has been in 16 years! Here are some of the highlights for the month of May. BROAD OVERVIEW Unemployment […]
Seven Hiring Tips from HR Pros

The modern recruiting process is much different from what it used to be. Today, all information about the candidates you’re interested is within reach. You just need to google their names. Still, the hiring manager faces too many challenges. The online world helps us to create the image we want others to see. This means […]
April 2017 Jobs Report

The month of April brings us great news! Hiring has picked up and unemployment has fallen to 4.4%, it’s lowest point in over a decade. Overall, the unemployment rate is near what economists consider full employment. Here are some of the highlights. Broad Overview Unemployment decreased from 4.5% to 4.4% Wages grew 2.5% The economy […]
Key Attributes for Designing High-End Job Descriptions

You will often come across articles online which provide advice for job seekers on how to maximize their chances of getting a good job by improving their resume. But, what most employers and companies neglect is the fact that they also need to do their part by creating a relevant and effective job description […]
Want Seamless Hiring and Recruiting Strategies? Get on the Same Page

You should be on the same team, but hiring managers and recruiters don’t always speak the same language. Miscommunication leads to slower processes, more unqualified applicants and fewer of those elusive great hires. It causes more than a few headaches, as well. RELATED: Need More Hours in a Day? Nip These Recruitment Process Time Wasters […]
March 2017 Jobs Report

The March Jobs Report shows some interesting results. The month of March saw a decrease in unemployment to 4.5%. This is the lowest unemployment rate since May 2007, which is great news. That being said, there are pros and cons to this last month’s results. Let’s take a look at some of most important takeaways […]
How to Make Your Hiring Process Shorter and Easier

Hiring cycles have the potential to be the stuff of nightmares, but only if you let them. If you play your cards right, you can find and hire a great candidate in about a week. Starting strong and acting fast will give you the advantage when you’re looking to fill a company seat. Get to […]
Middle of Funnel Talent Acquisition Engagement Tools

The middle of the talent acquisition funnel offers so many possibilities, you might even call it the fun part of recruiting. But it’s also where many job candidates abandon the process. With the ever-growing cost of hire, you need as many oars in the recruiting waters as possible to help you and the candidates stay […]
What Talent Acquisition Learns From the Marketing Funnel

Talent acquisition nearly mirrors marketing and the sales journey. It’s taken a while for HR and recruiters to see the parallels, but now the funnel concept is quickly becoming the go-to model that hiring teams monitor, adapt, tweak and use for a stronger, healthier talent pipeline. People go through similar steps, whether making a decision […]
Why You Need a Top Funnel Recruiting Strategy

”Begin at the beginning,” Lewis Carroll famously wrote. That was important advice for the White Rabbit, and it’s sound advice for you. Great hires begin with great candidates at the top of the talent acquisition funnel—and top funnel recruiting isn’t just for acquiring as many people as possible. That’s where some recruiters get it wrong. […]
6 Team Building Lessons Managers Can Learn From This Popular Television Show

Between the years, 1983-1987, there was a popular television show called the ”A Team.” Four Vietnam War veterans were charged with robbing the Bank of Hanoi during the War, and were tried, convicted, and sent to a military prison. They actually did rob the bank, but they do so under secret orders from their commander. […]
Talent Acquisition Metrics Trends to Watch in 2017

“You can’t pick your data, but you must pick your metrics.” – Jeff Bladt, Harvard Business Review Be careful about getting so caught up in data that you lose sight of the talent acquisition goal: great hires. Data is what your metrics are made of; it’s not the metrics, themselves. The difference is comprehensive information […]
How Recruitment Strategies Can Defeat Hiring Bias

You can’t eliminate hiring bias, but you can disrupt its effect. And that matters to the up-and-coming generation of employees who expect an authentically diverse workplace. Diversity is critical to success for many businesses. That’s especially true if the company’s product or service is intended for a diverse population. If you want to speak to […]
Is Your Job Posting Optimized for Conversion?

The typical job posting follows a similar pattern. Title, description, requirements, and a yawn for good measure. Job ads have their own job to do, but they have more versatility than you might realize. If they aren’t optimized for multifaceted performance, they’ll miss the target more often than not. And the reasons might surprise you. […]
How Mobile Talent Acquisition Simplifies Recruiting

Isn’t it great when something you use every day proves to be invaluable? There’s always some new technology in the talent acquisition industry. But few have the broad and apparently lasting impact of mobile. Mobile affects nearly every aspect of the industry, whether it’s candidate preference or recruiter convenience. And as Selina Kerley for The […]
5 Talent Acquisition Trends We’re Watching for in 2017

“The corporate learning marketplace is ready for a revolution. Never before have I seen so much frustration, innovation, and change in the corporate L&D world.” – Josh Bersin, Principal at Bersin by Deloitte. Disruption is the name of the game for talent acquisition in 2017. That’s what Bersin by Deloitte says. It’s an exciting time […]
Expert Interview Series: Amanda Leisman of Market Search Recruiting on Tips For Today’s Marketing Job Seekers

Amanda Leisman is a Marketing Recruiter at MarketSearch, where she provides the highest level of service to both candidates and clients. We had a chance to sit down with Amanda to discuss the job market for marketing professionals and hear her advice for today’s job seekers. Tell us a little about Market Search Recruiting. What […]
4 Recruiting Solutions Used By Cutting-Edge Recruiters

The rumble of the next generation in recruiting solutions was felt a few years ago, and it’s starting to take shape. Some theories wash themselves out, such as the rush to adapt a mobile app. Most people don’t download them at all, and the ones who do rarely use them. But some theories really stick. […]
3 Ways Social Distribution is Like GPS For Job Ads

Targeted social distribution takes the largest resource for job candidates and makes all of the background noise disappear. It’s like GPS for your job ads because it takes them to the right place in as few steps and with as little effort as possible. One of the most difficult jobs in online recruitment is reaching […]
Understanding Human Resources Technology with a Periodic Table

CB Insights recently unveiled a fascinating infographic entitled “The Periodic Table of HR Tech.” This table is not only an extremely clever notion in its own right, but it also provides genuine insight into the way many private companies make up the modern face of the HR tech industry. RELATED: How Technology Can Help HR […]
Should Recruiters Report to HR or the CEO?

Recruiting is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. After all, failure to properly focus on recruiting could result in the wrong talent being brought in, and this can then lead to lowered productivity, lost sales, and unhappy customers. What’s worse is that the wrong talent can place a business in […]
Good Problems? What to Do When Your Talent Acquisition Pool is Loaded With Superstars

So you are browsing a pile of resumes that came through for a series of available positions and you start to see a stream of what appears to be industry superstars. These are people who have amazing track records, world class accomplishments and even a few industry awards to their credit. As soon as you […]
We’re on the Verge of a Programmatic Job Posting Revolution

Can you feel it in the air? Like the shift from summer to autumn, things in the talent acquisition industry are growing a bit crisper and more sharply focused. There’s a job posting revolution that’s gaining momentum. It started subtle, but more and more recruiters and HR professionals are jumping on board every day. And […]
4 Ways Exit Interviews Help Stop the Hiring Merry-go-Round

It doesn’t matter how many positions you fill and how quickly you can fill them. What keeps you off the hiring merry-go-round is making those elusive great hires and retaining them. But what if the people you lose could help you make better choices next time? That’s the idea behind exit interviews, even though Harvard […]
Millennials on Benefits: Forget Bagel Fridays, Just Pay My Student Loans

A tuition repayment perk could make hiring a lot easier and job offers a lot sweeter. And the strategy isn’t just for Millennials; workers of any age might have hefty student loan debt. Many older workers went back to school during the recession, and repayment assistance could make the decision to work for your company […]
Traditional Talent Acquisition in the Gig Economy

More than 40 percent of American workers will likely be independent contractors by the year 2020, according to Intuit and Emergent Research. Welcome to the gig economy. But well over half of Americans say they still prefer traditional employment. And that creates a conundrum. It appears that workers would prefer a little of both. They […]
If the Talent Pool Lacks Diversity, So Will the Workplace

If your candidate talent pool has only one woman, she might as well look elsewhere for a job. Regardless of bias training and other efforts to the contrary, her chance of being hired fits somewhere between slim and none. Harvard Business Review (HBR) says workplace diversity is directly related to diversity in the talent pool. […]
4 Priceless Talent Sourcing Takeaways From a Declined Offer Interview

When talent sourcing, wouldn’t it be great to know what’s really on the mind of a candidate who turns down a job with your company? Some employers conduct employee interviews during onboarding and again when they eventually move on to a new job. But a declined offer interview could bring another part of the hiring […]
Pokémon GO and Talent Acquisition? It’s Happening

The phenomenon that is Pokémon GO could be one of the biggest employer brand builders of the year. Take one part outrageously popular geocaching game and add one part candidate sourcing risk taker and you’ve got a recipe for catching more than just Pokémon. If you’re finding it hard to connect the dots between the […]
7 Recruitment Trends That Rule 2016

When it comes to exploring the significance of recruitment process in any organization then this aspect becomes more obvious that it is definitely considered as the backbone for every organization. However, there are many organizations working in the professional environment and still these workplaces do not give due respect or appropriate importance to this process. […]
Common Mistakes in Social Recruiting You Should Avoid

The number of employers using social recruiting has been steadily increasing over time, to the extent that it’s now believed around 90% of companies are using this recruiting strategy. But if you aren’t doing it correctly, you could be wasting time and money – and missing out on the top candidates who are out there […]
Turning Millennials into Managers: Yes, it Can be Done

Is any generation more disparaged in the workplace than Millennials? They’re entitled, some say. They want too many perks and aren’t quite as disciplined as past generations. So what to do about the fact that Baby Boomers are retiring in droves and businesses need a new crop of managers? The first thing to do is […]
Does Your Recruitment Process Focus on Top Talent or the Right Talent?

What do you think about when you hear the words “top talent?” What about “rock star?” Think they’re the same thing? In some cases, they might be. But sometimes the best person for the job isn’t an industry wizard with a list of credentials that stretches from here till November. There’s nothing wrong with reaching […]
Warning: Don’t Make These 4 Mobile Talent Acquisition Blunders

If your mobile job application completion rate leaves a lot to be desired, there are probably several reasons why. Mobile has moved far beyond the outlier status that it had just a few years ago. Because of that, the whole process needs an overhaul. Whether or not employers like it, job seekers are in the […]
4 Reasons Top Job Candidates Reject Your Job Offer

You’re doing everything right, or so you think, so why do the best candidates avoid your job offers as if they’re lima beans on a school lunch tray? Getting the best and brightest on board isn’t as cut and dried as it might appear. That can be true, even with terrific jobs, plenty of room […]
4 of the Most Creative Recruitment Advertising Campaigns Ever

If you’ve seen one recruitment advertising campaign, you’ve seen them all. At least that’s what most American job hunters think. According to a Gallup poll, the State of the American Workplace, the majority of job seekers are disengaged and they need a clearer picture of what a prospective job entails. If your ads are more […]
5 Talent Acquisition Trends that Boost Company Reputation

The employer brand can make or break even the greatest recruiting strategy and most sophisticated technology. That’s why some of the biggest trends in recruiting right now have a sharpened focus on company reputation. They work hand-in-hand, recruiting and reputation/brand management. You have a product to sell, that product is a job. Whether or not […]
Top 5 Jobs Being Replaced by Technology

Employment is on the rise, still gaining over the losses from the Great Recession. But at the same time, employment in many middle-class jobs is all but evaporating. How can both be true? It’s part of the mystery of the disappearing middle class, and 247 Wall Street says that it and other sources agree: it’s […]
Why Data Analytics Can Help Your Recruitment Strategy

Data reporting, data analytics, they talk about the same thing, right? Hardly. The former reads like a history book. It tells you where you’ve been. The latter is more like a crystal ball. It helps you see where you might be headed. Reporting and analytics are part of one team. They’re not the same, but […]
May 2016 Jobs Report

The very cautious optimism of early 2016 turned into a genuine concern with the June 3 release of the May Jobs Report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. April’s report showed signs of a downturn, and May saw them happen in earnest. Nearly every market declined in May with hiring levels at their lowest […]
Are Employee Workplace Wellness Programs a Good Idea?

How would you react to a bonus for losing a few pounds or getting plenty of sleep? That sounds great! But what if the bargain included losing part of your paycheck if you didn’t meet employer-mandated health guidelines? A growing number of employers are instituting what they call “health and wellness” plans for employees. Some […]
How Technology Can Personalize and Improve Recruitment Efforts

Technology and the human element in HR recruiting might seem like polar opposites, but the right technology makes a more personalized experience more attainable. As recruiting and hiring professionals have worked to implement technology that makes the workday more efficient, job candidates and existing employees have gotten a bit lost in the shuffle. But with […]